Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 23:34:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: shivashankar kadadevaramath
Dear Professionals Friends, ���� With warm greetings from Karnataka State
College Librarian Association (R) Bangalore, Sree Siddaganga College for
Women Tumkur, Tumkur University Tumkur, KSCLA Bangalore and Tumkur College
Librarians Association Tumkur jointly organised National Conference on
Indian Academic Librarians 2020 also Librarians Day in found memory of
Dr.S.R.Ranganathan on 12-08-2010.
Date: 12 - 14 August 2010
Venue: Birla Auditorium, SIT, Tumkur (Karnataka)
About Conference
The Libraries from the beginning of second millennium have been facing
the challenge of managing this new information paradigm, which is
transforming into digital and virtual content in a rapid pace.� The
Library adage "store house of knowledge" within the confines of four walls
has new slogan "Libraries without walls".� Hence the LIS profession is
bound to face new challenges in the coming decade as more and more
archival and born-digital content would be thrown out of this knowledge
world and threre by necessitating the profession to equip with new skill
set.� To revive the above developments, the conference has selected the
theme "Indian Academic Libraries - 2020".� The facets of theme of the
conference are appropriately formed. � CALL FOR PAPERS SUBMISSION
The Paper should reflect at least one of the facets of the conference
Abstracts should be submitted to the Board of Editors for approaval on or
before the dead line.
Once it is accepted by the committee, full paper will be invited for
presentation and publication.
The soft copy of the Abstract / Papers may be sent to the Email ID:
The Abstract and paper should conforme to the following guidelines:
They should be single spaced, 12 points font size, Time New Roman in word
format (.doc) Conference Paper consists of :
Title of the paper
Name (S) of author/s and their address with e-mail ID
Abstract of approximately 150-200 words
Key Words, Full Text and References.
The length of the paper should not be more than 6 pages in A4 Size.
Who can Participate?
Information Professionals / Librarians
IT and knowledge service providers
Academicians, Students and Distance learners and
Other who are interested in the topic.
Conference Theme
Scholarly communication
Technology solution providers
Internet and Web
Nomenlature of Libraries
Learning resource Center
Knowledge Center
Information resource center
Integrated learning resource center
Role of Librarians
Knowledge manager
Media Specialist
Convergence with IT and KM
Tools and techniques
Information delivery and support
Space, services and content provision
Social learning, research-based learning, group activity.
Domin oriented specialization
Engineering librarinship
Medical librarianship
Corporate Librarisnship
Technology Oriented Education
Library technoloty
Registration Fees:
With Accomodation:
General Delegates��������������������������������� Rs. 1,400-00
KSCLA Members����������������������������������� Rs. 1,200-00
Without Accomodation:
General Delegates��������������������������������� Rs. 1,000-00
KSCLA Members����������������������������������� Rs.���800-00
Spot Registration for both Categories Rs. 100/- extra
Important Dates:
Abstract Deadline������������������������������15 - June - 2010
Communication of Acceptance����������� 25�- June - 2010
Submission of Full Paper������������������� 05 - July - 2010��������������� ����������������������������
DD's may be drawn in favour of Secretary, "National Conference on Indian Academic Libraries 2020" payable at Tumkur on or before 5th July 2010.
Chief Patron
Dr. Sree Sree Shivakumara Swamigalu
President, Sree Siddagang Education Society, Siddaganga Math
Dr. S.C.Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, Tumkur University, Tumkur.
Sri. Basavaraj Horatti, MLC & Ex-Minister, Hon. President K.S.C.L.A, Bengaluru.
Sri. T.K.Nanjundappa, Hon. Secretary, Sree Siddaganga Education Society, Tumkur.
Prof. T.S.Sachidananda Murthy
Principal, Sree Siddaganga College of Arts, Sciene and Commerce for Women, Tumkur.
Director of Conference:
Dr. Ravi.B.Gaddagimath,� University Librarian, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
Rapporteur General:
Dr. A.Y.Asundi,� Former HOD, Dept of LIS, Bangalore University, Bengaluru
Shekar.H.P.� Librarian, IBS, Bengaluru
Organizing Secretary:
S.L.Kadadevaramath, SG Librarian, Sree Siddaganga College for Women, Tumkur
National Advisory Committee:
Dr. Jagadish Arora, Director, INFLIBNET, Ahamadabad
Dr.H.A.Ranganath, Director, NAAC, Bengaluru
Sri.D.V.Singh, President, ILA, New Delhi.
Dr. M.M. Koganurmath, University Librarian, TISS, Mumbai
Dr. Sangeeta Kaul, Network Manager, DELNET, New Delhi.
Dr. Harishchandra, Librarian, IIT, Chennai.
Dr. S.Srinivasaraghavan, University Librarian, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
Advisory Committee:
Dr. V.G.Talawar, Vice-Chancellor, Mysore University, Mysore
Dr. D.Shivalingaiah, Registrar, Tumkur University, Tumkur
Dr. N.V.Satyanarayana, M.D. Informatics India, Bengaluru
Dr. P.Sadashivamurthy, HOD LIS Tumkur University Tumkur
Dr. P.V.Konnur, President, I.A.L.A. Bengaluru
Dr. R.Ramaraj Urs, University Librarian, R.G.U.H.S. Bengaluru
T.C.Gadad, Former President, K.S.C.L.A. Bengaluru
K.M.Rudresh, Guest Faculty, Tumkur University, Tumkur
Dr. Suresh Jange, Dy. Libraryan, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
S.M.Dheeraj, Vice President K.S.C.L.A, Bengaluru
K.Mallikarjun, Secretary K.S.C.L.A. Bengaluru
V.Venkategowda, Jt. Secretary K.S.C.L.A. Bengaluru
Umesh K Bagewadi, Treasurer K.S.C.L.A. Tumkur
Mahesh Horakeri, President KUCLA, Dharwad
M.N.N.Prasad, President, T.U.C.L.A. Tumkur
Dr. Mallikarjun Vaddenkeri, President GDLA, Gulbarga
Dr. B.U.Kannappanavar, President, K.U.C.L.A. Shimoga
N.Choudappa, President, AKELPA, Bengaluru
B.S.Malwad, Editor, K.S.C.L.A News Bulletin
C.V.Onkari, Convener K.S.C.L.A. Website
Veeru Uppin, Managing Director, AarGees Business Solutions, Bengaluru / Hubli
Smt. D.N.Sujatha, Librarian, Theosophical Womens College, Hospet
For More Information Please Contact:
Organizing Secretary NCAL2020 &
SG Librarian, Sree Siddaganga College of Arts, Science and Commerce for Women
B.H.Road, Tumkur - 572102 (Karnataka)
Tel: 0816-2272322, Mobile: 09449070311