DSpace workshop at NCRA, Pune from 24th July-26th July 2006
Dear All, National Centre for Radio Astrophysics Pune is pleased to annouce a workshop on " Creating digital libraries using DSpace Open Source Software" Dates: 24th-26th July 2006 Venue: NCRA, Pune Organised by : National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) Many organizations are now trying to set up open access digital repositories using open source software. There are couple of open source software available for developing digital libraries and DSpace (http://www.dspace.org/ ) is one of the most popular software developed jointly by MIT Libraries and HP labs. DSpace helps to create, index and retrieve various forms of digital content. The purpose of this workshop is to provide training to library professionals by providing adequate practical knowledge which will enable them to initiate digital library projects on their own by using open source software. The focus will be given on DSpace open source digital library software which is freely available on internet and can be customized according to the requirements. It will be a unique opportunity for library professionals to get exposure to the concept of open source software in which changes can be easily made since source code is available with the user, which is not the case with proprietary software. DSPACE: DSpace can be used to build institutional or discipline-based repositories Submission facility allows scientists and researchers to upload digital documents from anywhere in the world Workflow feature allows moderation/review of the submitted documents Assigns persistent identifiers to each digital object in the repository Conforms to the standards like Dublin Core and OAI-PMH v.2.0 Security can be built at various levels to effect restricted access Asian and other world language based digital libraries can be built as it conforms to the UNICODE standard DSpace is an open source software and is freely downloadable from http://www.dspace.org/ This workshop is exclusively designed to provide hands-on-experience to the Librarians and Information Officers in developing a digital library using DSpace software. The topics to be covered in the Workshop Digital Libraries: Overview Overview of DSpace Installation of DSpace DSpace Users: Anonymous, Members & Authors DSpace Administration Dublin Core OAI-PMH Persistent Identifiers DSpace Customization Lucene Search Engine Unicode and Indian Languages The workshop comprises of lectures, demonstration and practice on the topics mentioned above. Computer lab facilities are made available for practice to the participants during extended hours. NCRA has excellent computer facilities. Resource Persons Dr. ARD Prasad, DRTC, ISI, Bangalore, INDIA Dr. Devika Malladi, DRTC, ISI, Bangalore, INDIA Ms. Sunita Barve, NCRA, Pune, INDIA Target Participants Library and information Science professionals with knowledge of Information Technology. The selection will be made on the basis of first-cum-first served. Registration fees Rs.5,500/- (The Demand Draft/Cash payable in favour of NCRA, Pune and payable at Pune) The Registration Fee includes Workshop Kit on CD-ROM Working Lunch/Tea Last Date for Registration 5th July, 2006 Accommodation Guest house accommodation can be made available at NCRA, Pune on payment. Coordinator Ms. Sunita A. Barve Library-In-Charge National Centre for Radio Astrophysics PO Box 3, Pune Univ. Campus Pune 411 007, INDIA Email: library@ncra.tifr.res.in ; sunitab@ncra.tifr.res.in sunitabarve@gmail.com Phone: 91-020-25697107/25691384/25691385-Ext. 211(Office) 9823975237 (Mobile) REGISTRATION FORM Participants Name:_________________________________________ Designation:__________________________________________ Name and Address of the Institution:___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone: Office:_______________________ Residence:___________________ Mobile:___________________ E-mail:___________________ Do you require accommodation during the Workshop? Yes / No (If yes, please let us know immediately.) Demand Draft No: ____________________________________________________ Name of the Bank: ____________________________________________________ Amount: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________________________ Signature
participants (1)
Sunita Barve