Fwd: Invitation: Public Texts | Casting a Spell | 20 June 2019 | 6:30 pm
Dear Sir, Kindly share this event details on the forum for those interested to attend. If you are not able to see this mail, click here http://r.newsletter.iihs.co.in/mk/mr/RIGaMp1DCNC430PifsE_1WwKvshekmpiEPidI1v... View in browser http://r.newsletter.iihs.co.in/mk/mr/RIGaMp1DCNC430PifsE_1WwKvshekmpiEPidI1v... [image: ["Indian Institute for Human Settlements"]] http://r.newsletter.iihs.co.in/mk/cl/f/wyQji1gel3daF6M2KZoSPlUc39DfDWnV1rWbM... The Indian Institute for Human Settlements is glad to invite you to the next Public Texts session titled *Casting a Spell: Voices in feminist fantasy fiction*. Author *Shreya Ila Anasuya* and editor *Sukanya Venkatraghvan* will be in conversation with *Shalni Srinivasan* about their collection, *Magical Women (Hachette, 2019)*. They will talk about the stories in the collection, working with emerging writers and their writing/publishing process. The session will be held on Thursday, 20 June 2019 from 6:30 pm onwards at the IIHS Bengaluru City Campus, Sadashivanagar. The event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP on the Facebook event page http://r.newsletter.iihs.co.in/mk/cl/f/y1AeOqhKws69ACWT_wr7zS_quvLvzp3BB5puL... or watch the livestream here http://r.newsletter.iihs.co.in/mk/cl/f/0Nx6XtpJkcBFgm5pVAXIztg36v7R13h8DFpZH.... We would appreciate it if you could help spread the word in your network with this tweet: *Editor Sukanya Venkatraghavan has brought together a bunch of exciting fantasy fiction writers in the collection Magical Women! Join the next #PublicTexts session, ‘Casting a Spell: Voices in feminist fantasy fiction’ the next on Thu, 20 Jun from 6:30pm at #IIHSin* This conversation is being held as part of Public Texts, an IIHS series where authors speak about their work, using their books as starting points for discussion. If you missed the last Public Texts session about writing books for children, watch it here http://r.newsletter.iihs.co.in/mk/cl/f/TTh8mHP4sv2UicLfgqj570oahJwu7AO1CwXEI... . We look forward to seeing you at the event! Regards IIHS Library and Word Lab Teams © 2019 Indian Institute for Human Settlements http://r.newsletter.iihs.co.in/mk/un/7rslFzinU6Dp4Z0DG8XOtuMn7GiozwSi_vqKxu0... IIHS BENGALURU: 197/36, 2nd Main Road, Sadashivanagar Bengaluru 560 080. India. P: +91 80 6760 6666 | F: +91 80 2361 6814 IIHS DELHI: 803 Surya Kiran, 19 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 110 001. India. P: +91 11 4360 2798 IIHS CHENNAI: Floor 7A, Chaitanya Exotica, 24/51 Venkatnarayana Road, T Nagar, Chennai 600 017. India. T +91 44 6630 5500 / 904205 6590 IIHS MUMBAI: Flat No.2, Purnima Building, Patel Compound, 20-C, Napean Sea Road Mumbai 400 006. India. P: +91 22 6525 3874 library@iihs.ac.in [image: Facebook] http://r.newsletter.iihs.co.in/mk/cl/f/MkYjdUZ7C5eld41PMdSfrd7MgITT9ah7F22oo... 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If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter, click here http://r.newsletter.iihs.co.in/mk/un/7rslFzinU6Dp4Z0DG8XOtuMn7GiozwSi_vqKxu0... -- Anjana Balakrishnan External Consultant ------------------------------ [image: Indian Institute for Human Settlements] http://iihs.co.in/ iihs.co.in [image: Twitter] http://twitter.com/iihsin [image: Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/iihsin [image: LinkedIn] http://linkedin.com/company/indian-institute-for-human-settlements [image: Youtube] http://www.youtube.com/user/iihschannel/videos?sort=dd&view=1&shelf_index=0 IIHS BENGALURU CITY CAMPUS :: 197/36, 2nd Main Road, Sadashivanagar, Bengaluru 560 080. India. T: +91 80 6760 6666 | F: +91 80 2361 6814 IIHS CHENNAI :: Floor 7A, Chaitanya Exotica, 24/51 Venkatnarayana Road, T Nagar, Chennai 600 017. India. T +91 44 6630 5500/6555 6590 IIHS DELHI :: 803 Surya Kiran, 19 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 110 001. India. T: +91 11 4360 2798 IIHS MUMBAI :: Flat No.2, Purnima Building, Patel Compound, 20-C, Napean Sea Road, Mumbai 400 006. India. T: +91 22 6525 3874 -- Thanks & regards, Vinay MS Associate - Library 8892705152 IIHS Library http://library.iihs.co.in/ | IIHS Google Scholar https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=nBhwh6EAAAAJ&hl=en | IIHS Knowledge Gateway http://iihs.co.in/knowledge-gateway/ ------------------------------ [image: Indian Institute for Human Settlements] http://iihs.co.in/ iihs.co.in [image: Twitter] http://twitter.com/iihsin [image: Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/iihsin [image: LinkedIn] http://linkedin.com/company/indian-institute-for-human-settlements [image: Youtube] http://www.youtube.com/user/iihschannel/videos?sort=dd&view=1&shelf_index=0 IIHS BENGALURU CITY CAMPUS :: 197/36, 2nd Main Road, Sadashivanagar, Bengaluru 560 080. India. T: +91 80 6760 6666 | F: +91 80 2361 6814 IIHS CHENNAI :: Floor 7A, Chaitanya Exotica, 24/51 Venkatnarayana Road, T Nagar, Chennai 600 017. India. T +91 44 6630 5500/6555 6590 IIHS DELHI :: 803 Surya Kiran, 19 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 110 001. India. T: +91 11 4360 2798 IIHS MUMBAI :: Flat No.2, Purnima Building, Patel Compound, 20-C, Napean Sea Road, Mumbai 400 006. India. T: +91 22 6525 3874
participants (1)
Vinay M S