Workshop on Library Automation & Digitisation at University of Delhi South Campus

*University of Delhi South Campus* *दिल्ली* *विश्वविद्यालयदक्षिणपरिसर* *SOUTH CAMPUS LIBRARY/**दक्षिणी* *परिसर* *पुस्तकालय* बेनिटो जुआरेज़ मार्ग / Benito Juarez Road नई दिल्ली / New Delhi-110021 फैक्स /Fax / दूरभाष/Phone No. 011-2411022 : ईमेल / Email: *Five- Day NATIONAL* *Workshop on Library Automation & Digitization* To fulfil one of the requirements of UGC to attend a training program in Library Automation & Digitization for career advancement from level 10 to 14 vide its Regulation “Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers & other Academic Staff” in Universities & Colleges, 2018, University of Delhi South Campus proposes to hold a Five Day Workshop on Library Automation & Digitization during 17-21, December, 2018 and invites participants from the libraries of Universities, Colleges and other academic institutions *Structure of Workshop* The proposed National Workshop on Koha & DSpace, is to be conducted by best of the best experts, sourced both from industry & academia. and will help the LIS professionals , practicing librarians, students to automate & digitise their College & University libraries. The Workshop shall consist of 8 training sessions, including hands on modules and shall help research scholars etc in capacity building in library automation & digitisation domains. *Registration Fee & Accommodation Details:* The participation fee is Rs.2500/ (non-refundable) which includes workshop kit, lunch and tea, certificate etc. The participation fee shall be payable by Demand Draft in favour of “Director University of Delhi South Campus” latest by December10, 2018 with enclosed registration form. Limited accommodation on the basis of first come first served is available at campus @ Rs.500/ per day per person on twin sharing basis. The accommodation charges are payable in advance with registration fee. Rates will vary for out of campus accommodations as per actual. For more details and registration form, please see the attached workshop brochure.
participants (1)
Raj K Bhardwaj