New small molecules database on open access
From Peter Suber's blog "Open Access News"
New OA database on small molecules ChemBank is a new OA database from the Broad Institute's Chemical Biology Program (at Harvard University) and funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Initiative for Chemical Genetics (ICG). (Thanks to ResourceShelf.) From the site: This knowledge environment includes freely available data derived from small molecules and small-molecule screens, and resources for studying the data so that biological and medical insights can be gained.... Currently, ChemBank stores information on hundreds of thousands of small molecules and hundreds of biomedically relevant assays that have been performed at the ICG in collaborations involving biomedical researchers worldwide. These scientists have agreed to perform their experiments in an open data-sharing environment (data-sharing agreement). The goals of ChemBank are to provide life scientists unfettered access to biomedically relevant data and tools heretofore available almost exclusively in the private sector. We intend for ChemBank to be a planning and discovery tool for chemists, biologists, and drug hunters anywhere, with the only necessities being a computer, access to the Internet, and a desire to extract knowledge from public experiments whose greatest value is likely to reside in their collective sum.
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