Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 18:35:44 +0530
From: premchand
Apologies for cross postings
Last date for the submission of papers for PLANNER is 30th Sep.
Papers on the following theme and subtheme for PLANNER 2003 should
reach the respective editors before 30th Sep.Please send your paper in
electronic format (email, 3" floppy in MS Word) to following email
Paper on consortia should be sent to the following editor:
Prof. (Mrs.) Veena Saraf,
Head, Deptt. of Library Science
NEHU, Shillong – 793 014 (Meghalaya)
Phone : 091 –0364 – (O)231617 (R) 550932
E-mail : or
Paper on IT based activities should be sent to the following editor
Dr. Narendra Lahkar
Department of Library & Information Science
100, GU Campus, Gauhati University,
Guwahati – 781 014 (India)
Phone : (0361) 2571954 ( O) 2571257 ( R)
Mobile: (98640) 53349 e-mail:
In changing scenario of Indian Libraries, INFLIBNET has played major role
in bringing IT culture and establishing infrastructure in Indian
Universities. In spite of major initiatives of INFLIBNET, libraries
encounter manifold problems and uneven developments, but major problem is
the emergence of new technologies. E-resources, digital libraries,
search engines, Library Consortia, Standards and formats are some
important issues, which need discussion. Keeping all the above issues in
mind, the Programme Committee has selected the theme of the convention
The main theme of the PLANNER – 2003 is Automation of Libraries in
North East Region: Trends Issues and Challenges. The sub-themes and the
topics to be covered under each sub-themes are given below.
Sub Themes :
1 Emergency of Consortia
2 IT based Activities
Topics covered under both sub themes are :
Library automation, Database Development, Standards and Protocol, Search
Engines, Electronic Document Delivery, Digital
library, UGC-INFONET, Library Consortia, Electronic Publishing,
E-Journal Subscription, Copy right and IPR
First PLANNER –2003
PLANNER stands for Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in
North Eastern Region (PLANNER). INFLIBNET has made an attempt to
organize this event in collaboration with universities and other academic
institutions located in North East.. This Convention will provide a
unique forum to the library professionals, information providers and
users involved in automation and networking of libraries to come together
and interact on the subjects of mutual interest in the region. First
PLANNER is being organized for the professionals in the North Eastern
region at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya during
November 6-7, 2003. In future, this special event would regularly be
held at other parts of the North Eastern universities/institutions on
rotational basis
The convention will be held at North Eastern Hill University, Mayurbhang
Complex, Shillong, Meghalaya
Prem Chand
Scientist- C
INFLIBNET(Information and Library Network) Centre
An IUC of University Grants Commission
Near Gujarat University Guest House
Navrangpura, PB No.4116
AHMEDABAD-380009 India
# Tel. 91-079-6305971 / 6304695; 7458670(Res.)
FAX: 079-6300990, 6307816