Dear All, I would like to know the best practices for buying foreign books. Also, who are the top suppliers in India for these books? Recently, I wanted to buy the following book: DDC: Principles and Application, by Louis Main Chan. An OCLC publication, 2004. $40 I understand from one of the vendors that it would cost me $100 to procure this book for me ($40 cost of the book + $60 towards shipment and procurement). I strongly feel that we need to do something to correct this situation. I shall appreciate any pointers/help from members of this list on this point. We need to have a mechanism where importers of foreign books in India would be regularly announcing, at a single website, their new arrivals for the information of potential buyers. This site can also serve as a market place where the potential buyer can indicate his requirement for books and explore various options from different importers and select the best and most economical one. Thank you Sincerely T.V. Prafulla Chandra Senior Editor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NISC Export Services Pvt. Ltd. (an affiliate of NISC International, Inc. USA) S-1 Ballad Estates, St.Ann's School Road, Tarnaka, Hyderabad 500 017 Andhra Pradesh, India - Tel:+91 40 27001517 Tel/Fax:+91 40 27002538 WWW.NISC.COM A company in service to NISC worldwide. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now it is high time that all the book sellers come together and create an accessible database for searching and procuring books in India Chudamani
participants (2)
K.S. Chudamani
Prafulla Chandra