FW: [IFLA-L] Intern. Training Program on INFORMATION; grants available
Dear Friends, I thought this might be an interesting opportunity for many on the listserv. Tomas Allen Please excuse any cross postings.
From: Paul Nieuwenhuysen
To: Paul.Nieuwenhuysen@vub.ac.be Subject: [IFLA-L] Intern. Training Program on INFORMATION; grants available Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 13:51:49 +0100 An International Training Program on "INFORMATION":
STIMULATE = Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries: an Active Training Environment (Edition 6)
Information about this training program can be found on the WWW starting from: http://www.vub.ac.be/BIBLIO/itp/ The program is planned to take place mainly in Brussels, Belgium, from Monday morning October 2 to Thursday evening December 21, 2006. Language used is English.
Context and evolution of the program:
The initiative has been approved by the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR) and is sponsored by the Belgian Government (the directorate named DGOS since December 2002). This fits in a series of similar international training activities that have been organized since 1991, named MIST 1, 2, 3, KNOW-HOW, and STIMULATE 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This initiative is aimed primarily at persons with a university degree (Bachelor or Master), who work in universities, information and documentation centers, and libraries, including of course university libraries, and who have a few years of practical experience. The term Active Training Environment in the title of the training program reflects our wish to create an environment in which each participant is stimulated to get involved actively, supported by the lecturers and the infrastructure provided by the training program. This fits well into the general, worldwide trend away from "teaching" to "learning management".
Aim / goal of the training program:
The main aim and goal of this International Training Program is to offer a stimulating learning environment to the participants. These are young scientists and professionals who have a function as information intermediary in the area of science and technology, so as to sharpen their skills in collecting, storing, retrieving, presenting and managing information. This can be of great benefit to the teaching and research activities going on in their institute and to the further development of their organisation and region. This initiative corresponds well with the basic, general aim of all VLIR the International Training Programs: to train young scientists and professionals from developing countries in a domain that is relevant for the further development of the country, and to stimulate the participants to transfer their increased knowledge and skills to their colleagues and other stakeholders in their home country.
More specific objectives of the training program:
-- to provide participants with a clearer view on the importance of information in general and for their environment in particular, and on how to manage information: summarised: Management in libraries and information centers -- to learn the participants to cope with modern technology, in view of the increasing importance of ICT; summarised: Information and communication technology for libraries and information centers -- to guide them in retrieving information that is publicly accessible on an international scale: summarised: Information retrieval/searching and -- to learn them to store, organise, present, manage, publish information resources at personal, institutional, regional or national level: summarised: Information architecture
After being actively involved in this International Training Program, every participant will have improved the ability -- to appreciate and explain the importance of access to information for their organisation -- to present information to users and potential users, using appropriate information technology -- to train interested persons in the use and management of information, using appropriate presentation techniques -- to contribute to the planning of the (further) development of an information service -- to communicate through the Internet with users of information, information providers, colleagues, -- to apply quantitative methods in decision making related to information systems and services -- to retrieve information from the Internet -- to store information for later retrieval and access by potential users, using information technology
Contents of the program:
The sessions are organised in such a way that --the first month = introduction level, --the second month = intermediate level, and --the third month = more advanced level. Thanks to this approach and organisation, it may make sense to participate exceptionally during only one or two of the three months, depending on expertise. However, the available scholarships are granted only to persons who will participate for the full three months. To start with, the participants are offered an orientation tour of the University and the Library. Then some of the following subjects are covered. Of course, due to the limited available time, not all the mentioned subjects can be discussed in each training program, but a SELECTION will be made by the organisers. The concrete content of each training program depends on the availability of suitable expert lecturers from Belgium and from abroad during the period of the training program. As soon as possible, the concrete schedule is made available through the WWW site of the program.
1. Management in libraries and information centers:
Statistics to support decision making for information science and for library management. Business plans for libraries and information centers. Using spreadsheets in the management of libraries and information centers. Collection development. Consortia of libraries for the acquisition of electronic journals and databases. Scientific writing methods. ISBD = International Standard Bibliographic Description. Formats for computer-based cataloguing; MARC formats. National libraries and national bibliographies. Knowledge organisation: subject classification schemes; thesaurus systems, ontologies. Citation analysis. Assessing the influence of scientific journals; citations and impact factors. The bibliometric laws. Scientometrics. Architecture of libraries and information centers. Orientation of information users; relations with information users. Interlibrary lending and co-operation; document delivery. Development of a national or regional information network. The information society. Cultural aspects of the information society and information technology transfer. Copyright; information security; trans-border data flow. Writing a project proposal (for instance related to the establishment of an information network). Conservation/preservation of printed documents. Conservation/preservation of digital documents. Informetric aspects of the Internet. Artificial intelligence and knowledge representation in information science. Electronic journals: implementation in a library. Integration of e-learning environments and library services. Libraries involvement in scientific publishing. International co-operation projects.
2. Information and communication technology for libraries and information centers:
Microcomputer systems: evolution of hardware. Disks for computers. CD-ROM. CD-ROM in a local area network. CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW. Microcomputer operating systems. Microcomputer systems: applications software. Text editing; word processing; desktop publishing. Presentation of data, using a microcomputer. Creating charts to present information. Image processing; graphics file formats; photo/image editing. Multimedia / Hypermedia. Data communication; computer networks; Internet. Internet services. Client-server systems. Electronic mail. World-Wide Web; hypertext and hypermedia. Data-communications networks and librarians. Selecting and procuring a computer system; writing a proposal for a computer implementation. Providing access to information through public Internet workstations. Methods for access to databases through Internet: telnet, http/WWW, Z39.50 and ISO239.50, Open Archives Initiative - Metadata Harvesting Protocol.
3. Information retrieval/searching:
Introductory concepts about information. Internet-based information resources: introduction. Bibliographic databases. The information industry and the information market. Online information retrieval and database searching; search tactics and strategies. Internet search engines. Information available free of charge; open access. Online access databases about journal articles. Electronic newsletters and journals. Computer-network based interest groups. Patent information. Online systems versus CD-ROM. Citation searching. Theoretical and quantitative aspects of information retrieval. Evaluating the quality of information sources. Evaluation of information retrieval strategies and systems.
4. Information architecture:
Basic, fundamental, theoretical concepts. Software packages for local storage and retrieval of bibliographic information. Introduction to the ISIS software package family for information storage and retrieval. The application of ISIS: searching, editing data in a database, output of selected data to file or printer; developing a database structure; indexing data for fast retrieval; ISIS for Windows; WINISIS; history and future of ISIS; programming in ISIS. Formats: MARC; application of MARC in ISIS. Databases (and ISIS in particular) through the WWW. Downloading of information and record format conversion. Relational databases. Library automation. Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs). Archives and records management. Archives in the domain of science and technology. Geographic Information Systems (GIS): an introduction. Developing a web site; HTML, CSS, XML, XSL; intranets; developing an intranet. Evaluating web sites. Dynamic web pages. Developing co-operative community WWW sites; Web contents management systems. Setting up an electronic newsletter. Extensions of the classical WWW. (Client-based and server-based).
Study visits:
In addition to the courses taking place at the university campus, study visits are organised. A selection from the following possible visits is made: --to the Royal (National) Library, in Brussels, Belgium --to the European Patent Office in Brussels, Belgium --to the Information Service of the Geology Department of the Royal Museum on Africa, in Tervuren near Brussels, Belgium --to the inter-university postgraduate school on information and library science at the University of Antwerp, Belgium --to the library of the University of Antwerp in Wilrijk, Belgium --to the human sciences library of the University of Antwerp in old Antwerp city, Belgium --to the old central library and to the modern science and technology library of the KUL (university) in Leuven, Belgium --to the VLIZ marine science information and documentation center near the sea coast in Oostende / Ostend, Belgium --to the library of the Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen / Antwerp, Belgium --to the central library of the University of Gent / Ghent, Belgium --to the Documentation Department of the KIT (the Royal Tropical Institute), and to the high school on libraries, documentation and information, both in Amsterdam, Nederland / The Netherlands --to the headquarters of IFLA and to the National, Royal Library in Den Haag / The Hague, in Nederland / The Netherlands --to the Institute for Social Studies (ISS) in Den Haag / The Hague, in Nederland / The Netherlands More culturally oriented guided visits are also organised; these may include trips to the old cities of Brussels, Antwerp, Bruges, Amsterdam, Paris, and to the North Sea coast. Short after the start of the program, each participant presents to the other participants and to interested lecturers his/her interests, working environment, planning, tasks, experience. This is organised with printed posters in a small poster exhibition with time allotted for stimulating and ice-breaking discussions. At the end of the course, each participant completes a presentation supported by slides managed on computer, with constructive comments on the training program experienced and with concrete recommendations to the organisers of this training program and to the director of their own organisation.
About half of the time, the participants are guided by experts who are invited to the university. They use the other half time to solve problems, to make exercises, to use microcomputers and the Internet, to prepare discussions, for self study... Besides the formal, guided course activities, the participants have access like any regular student at our university --to several rooms equipped with microcomputers connected to the Internet, --to the university library which offers printed material, CD-ROMs and PCs with Internet access, --to the university restaurant and to sport facilities at low student prices.
At the end of the program all participants obtain a certificate stating that they have indeed participated, with a reference to the full detailed overview of the program contents on the WWW site of the program. Several substantial parts of the program are followed by an evaluation by the responsible expert of the knowledge and skills acquired by each participant; this can lead to a certificate of active and successful participation.
Participants should of course bring a notebook or laptop computer, if they have one available. Ideally they should buy or rent a personal notebook computer as soon as they arrive, assisted by the program organisers.
Social activities planned:
-- Welcome reception with drinks and appetizers. -- Evening with the possibility to taste some of the world famous Belgian beers and some Belgian food. -- Farewell gathering with drinks and snacks.
Participation and registration; tuition fee and costs:
Participation is free of charge (!) for 12 to 15 participants from developing countries, who are selected by the organisers, VL.I.R. (the Flemish Inter-university Council) and DGOS. They also receive a grant to cover the costs of accommodation and an airplane return ticket. The detailed grant application form is available as a PDF file through the Internet from http://www.vlir.be/ There you can also find an explanation of the procedures to apply for the grant. That PDF file can be printed with the suitable program provided free of charge by Adobe through the WWW: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html Grant applications must be received by VLIR before the end of January! (and NOT before the end of February as in previous years) Official and formal requests for a grant or any other correspondence about the grants should be sent to VLIR in Brussels, and NOT to the organizers of this specific program. If this procedure is not suitable for you, you can ask your local Belgian embassy for a printed version of the application form for the grant, or you can ask further information from VLIR: please contact Mrs. Kristel Wijshof, tel. +32 2 289 05 57 or kristel.wijshof@vlir.be at the VLIR-UDC Secretariat; the general e-mail address is scholarships@vlir.be. The ideal participant applying for a grant is younger than 40 years, and will be able to apply what has been learned directly in a professional scientific or technical environment afterwards.
Normal registration:
Besides the persons who receive a grant from the Belgian Government through VLIR, 5 to 8 persons can participate after paying a tuition fee that is small in comparison with similar programs. The costs mentioned do NOT include air travel, meals and accommodation, but do include transport from the airport upon arrival, course materials, study visits and social activities. The cost of living in Belgium is not exceptional. -To participate during the full period: 2400 Euro -Exceptionally, persons who cannot participate for the whole period can nevertheless participate during 2 months only (1800 Euro) or during 1 month only (1000 Euro). It makes sense to attend for instance the first month or the first two months only. It makes less sense to participate only during the second or the third month, as introductions to some activities or topics may be missed. -To participate to particular items selected from the program: 30 Euro per half day. To register and pay the tuition fee, send the form (see below) by classical mail together with an international bank transfer / bank cheque / bank draft, payable to University Library V.U.B., Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 BRUSSEL, Belgium, with no need for any bank account numbers. If however this simple procedure is NOT suitable for you, then you can transfer the required sum of money to the following bank account of the V.U.B.: Fortis Bank located at Warandeberg 3 in B-1000 Brussel, Belgium, account number 001-0686459-66 or IBAN = BE07 0010 6864 5966 and do not forget (!) to mention as a remark: for WD006240 BIBL WER3 The money received by the VUB must be transferred internally to this account. (Without your remark, the money may be not retraceable and lost.)
We recommend you to register as early as possible: first come, first served: the arrival of your participation fee determines who can participate.
There is NO need to apply prior to the registration, to request permission to participate from the organizers and their universities. The decision if the program is suitable and appropriate for an interested person is to be made by that person and not by the organizers.
The organisers of this program normally book a single, cheap, basic room in advance as accommodation for each participant, unless a participant writes us that he/she wants to take care of accommodation personally, for instance by staying with a friend or by renting a room that offers more luxury. Participants pay for their own accommodation. If we can book many weeks in advance, then we can normally find basic accommodation for about 300 euro per month; however, a late receipt of the tuition fee forces us to book a more expensive room.
Medical insurance:
It is recommended that participants are covered during their stay by a full medical insurance. In Belgium, this costs about 40 euro per month. The program organisers take care of this.
How to contact the organizers?
E-mail (Internet): stimulate at vub.ac.be (or in case that this does not seem to work, to Paul.Nieuwenhuysen at vub.ac.be) (change at in @ when you want to use an address) Fax 32 2 629 2693 (or 2282) Tel. 32 2 629 2629 or 32 2 629 2429 or 32 2 629 2609 Telex 61051 vubco-b Classical mail: STIMULATE-ITP (or Paul NIEUWENHUYSEN), University Library, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM
The training is mainly organized at the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (V.U.B). The campus is located south of the older centre of the city of Brussels, and can easily be reached by Metro (subway), tram and bus. Information about Brussels (and Belgium) can be found through the WWW; see for instance: http://www.agenda.be/ about events going on in Brussels (in French and in Dutch) http://www.disgruntled.ca/writings/brussels/ offers information on Brussels and some photos, based on the experience of living there for some time http://www.eupedia.com/belgium/brussels.shtml http://www.ilotsacre.be/site/en/default_en.htm offers an interactive map and photos of Brussels http://www.interknowledge.com/belgium/ http://www.jack-travel.com/ http://www.sievers.nl/visitbrussels/ shows some photos made in Brussels http://www.timeout.com/brussels/ http://www.trabel.com/brussel/brussels-touristattractions.htm http://www.virtourist.com/europe/brussels/index.html http://www.visitbelgium.com/
Trips are perhaps organised to places in neighbouring countries like The Netherlands and France. Therefore, participants should try to obtain also a visa for those countries (a so called Schengen-visa).
Program and Steering Committee:
The course director is Dr. Paul Nieuwenhuysen, professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and guest professor at Universiteit Antwerpen, Science and technology librarian, and Head of the information and documentation department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. An official, formal Steering Committee is composed of members from the co-operating universities in Flanders, -Vrije Universiteit Brussel, -Universiteit Antwerpen -Katholieke Universiteit Leuven This Steering Committee supervises the organisation, the program and the budget; this committee reports formally to VLIR.
Feel free to distribute this document; this version is dated 10 November 2005.
____________________REGISTRATION FORM_______________________ to STIMULATE, University Library, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (V.U.B.), Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 BRUSSEL, Belgium I want to participate. Therefore I send this as a letter and pay the registration fee as described in the announcement of the International Training Program. (So the following is NOT the form to apply for a grant. Do not send this unless you pay the registration fee.) a. Family name (surname): ............................... (married female participants please fill in maiden-name as well as name of husband) b. First or given names (according to your official passport): .............. Personal address: ................................... ..................................................... Country:............................................. Electronic mail address Telephone, fax, telex:
Date of birth: Place of birth: Nationality: Sex: male / female
Present employment: a. Name and address of employer: ................. ............................................... ............................................... b. Since: ../../.. c. Position function - specialization d. Telephone, fax, telex and/or e-mail of the employer:
Education - studies: Name of institute Degree Date
Knowledge of English: writing: ........ speaking: ........ reading: ....... Have you been abroad earlier? Please specify:
Duties that you will carry out after returning to your country: ................................................................. .................................................................
Please book a room for me OR Do NOT book a room for me; I will take care myself of accommodation
I take care of a medical insurance myself OR Please see that I am covered by a medical insurance for my stay in Belgium which will cost about 40 euro/month.
Date and signature:
Please include a recent photograph, as this will simplify identifying you upon arrival.
_________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/
participants (1)
Tomas Allen