Dear All The Official Website for INFLIBNET's INTERNATIONAL CALIBER-2004 to be held at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-INDIA is available at --------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL CALIBER-2004 INFLIBNET Centre has been organizing CALIBER [Convention on Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutions] every year in different parts of the country in collaboration with different universities, since 1993. This is the premier convention in India which provides a unique forum to the library and information professionals, teachers, IT professionals, consultants and users involved in automation and networking of libraries as well as information providers to come together and interact on the subjects of mutual interest. The eleventh CALIBER in the series, for the year 2004, has been themed as �Road Map to New Generation of Libraries using Emerging Technologies� and will be hosted by Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi during February 11-13, 2004. The official language of the convention will be English. DELIBERATIONS � Visions/Policies for Strategic Planning and Catalysts (Social Issues, User Requirements) for New Generation of Libraries. � Infrastructure, Standards, Archiving for Digital/Virtual/E-Libraries. � Emerging Technologies like Wireless LAN, Digital Services, Distributed databases, E-education and WBT. � Web content mapping, classification, management, Data warehousing, security aspects. CALL FOR PAPERS Programme committee solicits high quality technical papers related to the themes and sub-themes listed below. Main Theme: Road Map to New Generation of Libraries using Emerging Technologies Sub theme 1 Strategic Planning and Catalysts for New Generation of Libraries Visions/Policies, Social Issues, Intellectual Property Rights, User Requirements and Satisfaction, Models and framework for change management, Consortia: Success and Reality, Free and equal access to digital information Sub theme 2 Digital/Virtual/E-Libraries Infrastructure, Standards and Protocols, E-Publishing, Digital Archiving, Personalization, New Type Resources, Open Digital Libraries and Interoperability Sub theme 3 Emerging Technologies Networking (including WLAN), Digital Services, E-Education / WBT: Reality and Myths, Distributed database access and management � mirror sites, Online Reference Sub theme 4 Web content Management Cataloguing and Classification, Metadata / XML, Searching and Retrieval, Web content mapping, Data warehousing/hosting, Managing access to Web Content, Security Issues, Reliability and QA of Web content, Reference Linking, Ontology and Semantic Web Papers typed in MS-Word can be sent as attachment to INFLIBNET directly through E-Mail or in a floppy by post. The length of the paper should normally be within 5000 words. Papers should contain full name and affiliations with e-mail of author(s), an abstract, author biography and references properly cited in the text of article. The paper should neither be published anywhere nor should have been kept under consideration for publication elsewhere and the author should agree to transfer the copyright to the conference organisers. A passport size photograph(s) of author(s) has to be submitted with the paper. Detailed Guidelines and Editorial Policy for CALIBER 2004 will be soon available in the conference website at IMPORTANT DATES Receipt of full papers December 15, 2003 Intimation to Author(s) January 1, 2004 Last date for Registration January 15, 2004 Convention Dates February 11-13, 2004 About INFLIBNET Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) is a major mission of the UGC initiated in 1991 with an objective to automate and network libraries in Academic and R & D system to facilitate resource sharing at different levels and promote scholarly communication among academicians and researchers in the country. Till now, 142 universities have been funded by the UGC under this programme for automation and networking. Creation of national union databases, development of an integrated library management software, human resource development, on-site training, providing bibliographic information services, extending technical help and guidance from time to time to academic libraries in automation and networking are some of the major activities of the INFLIBNET Centre. Very soon centre is going to play major role in E-learning. A number of modules are under development on different subjects, which will be mounted on centre�s web site for facilitating distance education through e-learning. UGC has signed on MOU with ERNET India for establishing UGC Network linking about 170 universities, UGC Regional Centres and IUC�s. This network will also have connectivity to Internet. INFLIBNET will play a major role in content creation for this network. It is trying to create awareness about library automation and spread IT culture among library professionals. About Jamia Millia Islamia Jamia Millia Islamia, an institution originally established at Aligarh in United Provinces, India in 1920, was declared as a deemed to be University in 1962 and became a Central University by an act of the Indian Parliament in 1988. In Urdu language, Jamia means �University� and Millia means �National�. In 1936,all institutions of Jamia, except Jamia Press, the Maktaba and the library, were shifted to the new campus. The history of Dr. Zakir Husain Library is closely linked with the history of Jamia Millia Islamia. It was established during 1920-23 in Aligarh and was named as Jamia Millia Islamia Library. In 1925, Jamia Millia moved from Aligarh to Delhi, the Library also shifted.In 1972, Library moved to its new building and it was rechristened as �Dr. Zakir Husain Library� in the memory of late President of India Dr. Zakir Husain. This library is the Central Library of the University Library System, which includes the faculty and Central libraries,It is having collection of about 3.00 lac books & bound volumes of periodicals, about 3000 manuscripts, 200 microforms, 17 special collections and subscribes to 440 journals.The library has fully computerized its most actively used collections, which is searchded through OPAC.Circulation Counter is computerized, using barcode scanners.The library is providing range of databases available in electronic form on the Campus Network and from remote hosts via WWW. The library provides Internet and electronic database services for the registered users. Contact Details Registration Dr. Gayas Makhdumi Organising Secretary CALIBER-2004 University Librarian & Head, DLIS, Jamia Millia Islamia, M aulana Mohammad Ali Johar Marg, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi � 110 025, India Phone:+91-11-26984910/26981717(Ext. 472) Fax:+91-11-26982360 Paper Submission Dr T A V Murthy Editor-in-Chief Director INFLIBNET Centre[An IUC of UGC] Gujarat University Campus PB 4116, Navrangpura Ahmedabad � 380 009, India Phone: +91-79-6304695/5971/8528/0002 Fax:+91-79-6300990 E-Mail: Queries can also be sent to Mr S M Salgar Chairman, CALIBER-2004 Scientist-G INFLIBNET Centre[An IUC of UGC] Gujarat University Campus PB 4116, Navrangpura Ahmedabad � 380 009, India Phone: +91-79-6304695/5971/8528/0002 (Ext 33)Fax:+91-79-6300990 E-Mail: More details will be available in the website ************************ J K VIJAYAKUMAR INFLIBNET Centre Ahmedabad - INDIA ************************ __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! 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JK Vijayakumar