Second call for papers and participation - 35th IATLIS National Conference, 19-20 December 2019 at Pondicherry University.

From other southern towns and cities like Bengaluru, Tiruchirapalli, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trivandrum by road/rail, one should get down at Puducherry Bus Stand /Railway Station. By train, one has to get down at Puducherry Railway Station and reach Bus Stand in order to catch a town bus to reach Pondicherry University. The Pondicherry University is located at about 11 Kms north of Puducherry Bus Stand and takes about 25 minutes
XXXV IATLIS NATIONAL CONFERENCE on the theme Restructuring of Library and Information Science Education in the Internet Era 19-20 December 2019 Jointly organized by The Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) and The Department of Library and Information Science Pondicherry University, Puducherry at Pondicherry University, Puducherry ABOUT THE IATLIS The Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) is a professional association of more than 600 teachers and professionals in Library and Information Science in India. Since its inception in 1969, IATLIS has been active in taking up several issues of LIS Education in India especially relating to the development of curriculum, teaching methods, infrastructure, teacher training, etc. It actively works for the promotion of the professional interests of LIS teachers. As part of its activities, it conducts national seminars, workshops, and training programmes. It publishes conference proceedings and also an electronic journal “IATLIS Journal of Library Education and Research”. For more details about the association, kindly go to ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY Pondicherry University, a Central University was established in 1985 by an Act of Parliament with the objective to disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional and research facilities in such branches of study as it may deem fit and more specifically, to make special provisions for studies in French and for integrated courses in Science and Humanities and to promote inter-disciplinary studies and research in the University. The University has also PG Centres at Karaikal and Port Blair. Karaikal Centre currently offers three PG programmes. The MHRD - India Rankings 2017 ranked the Pondicherry University in 37th place among University Category and 59th place in the Overall Category out of 724 Universities / Institutions by a ranking process through National Institutional Ranking Framework. The University has 15 Schools, 39 Departments, 11 Centres and One Chair offering over 141 PG, P.G.Diploma/Certificate & Research programmes and receiving about 50,000 applications for these programmes from all over India. The University has more than 6400 students, about 500 PhD scholars and over 49,000 students in its 95 affiliated colleges and singed 48 MoUs (25 international and 23 national) with Foreign Universities / Institutions and Indian Institutions. The University Library is totally automated with RFID and CCTV Surveillance System with remote login facility for information access. And also has special facility for visually challenged (Braille Lab) in the library to access the resources through specialized software. About the Department The Department of Library and Information Science was started during the academic year 2007-08. The Department offers a two years integrated Master’s Degree (M.Lib.I.Sc.), a Ph.D. Degree Programme in Library and Information Science and an Add-on Course – Postgraduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) offered in the evenings. M.Lib.I.Sc. is a professional degree and there is a great demand for the library professionals in the job market. M.Lib.I.Sc. postgraduates get placed as Librarians, Information Scientists, Knowledge Managers, Technical Editors, Consultants, etc. Those who qualify UGC- NET or SET examination can enter academics as Assistant Professor or Assistant Librarian of a University or Librarian of a College. Those who qualify UGC-JRF can also pursue research in the field of Library & Information Science with UGC fellowship. An added qualification of PGDLAN would place the student at a higher advantage in the job arena with knowledge of automation and networking. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The theme of the IATLIS National Conference 2019 is: Restructuring of Library and Information Science Education in the Internet Era Sub-themes include, but are not limited to: · Changing information landscape and LIS education. · Media and information literacy including data literacy · Open movement including open access, open data and open educational resources etc. · ICT advances and need for relevant competencies · Human resource development for mobile-learning, big data, open data, and big open linked data · LIS education, and changing employment and workplace scenario · Preparedness of LIS Departments/Schools for changing environment · ODL for inclusion and quality manpower development · Human values, ethics and aesthetics of LIS education and practice · Role of government bodies including the UGC for regulating and supporting LIS education · LIS education and the Sustainable Development Goals · LIS literature, research and training CALL FOR PAPERS The organizing committee invites articles and scholarly papers on the theme of the conference. latest by18 November 2019. Abstracts will be reviewed to check quality and relevance to the main topic of the conference. The papers should include full title including sub-title (if any), names and contact details of all authors, abstract proper, 3-5 keywords, and a brief bio (up to 200 words) of each author, latest by 18 November 2019 to the General Secretary, IATLIS, C/o Department of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002 (Punjab), by email at REGISTRATION DETAILS Indian Delegates: Sponsored Rs. 2000/- Non-Sponsored Rs. 1500/- Retired Professionals Rs. 1,000/- Accompanying Person Rs. 1,000/- Students/Researchers Rs. 300/- Foreign Delegates: SAARC Countries $ 100 Other Countries $ 200 The registration fee covers conference kit, proceedings of the conference (upon post-publication), and working lunch, and session tea for the conference days. The registration fee does not include breakfast, dinner and accommodation. Papers presented at the conference will be published in the post-conference volume that would be sent to the registered delegates later on, as per the decision of the General Body. Delegates are requested to include registration fees for accompanying persons while forwarding their registration forms since it would not be possible to entertain last minute requests for accommodation. Accompanying persons shall not be entitled for conference kits. Delegates are requested to intimate their travel plans in advance to avoid last minute inconvenience. The Demand Draft/ Multicity cheque for registration fee should be in favour of IATLIS payable at Patiala, and should be sent along with the duly filled in Registration Form latest by 12 December 2019. Delegates can also transfer the registration fee online in account no. 65048083922 of State Bank of India, Punjabi University, Patiala branch (IFSC Code: SBIN0050009). The account is in the name of Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS). In case of online transfer, the proof of transfer should be sent with the registration form. All the participants are requested to send their registration form duly filled along with the requisite fee applicable latest by 12 December 2019 to the General Secretary, IATLIS, Department of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala, 147002 (Punjab). Phone: 0175-3046179, 80. IMPORTANT DATES: Paper submission . : 18 November 2019 Notification of acceptance : 21 November 2019 Registration form submission : 12 December 2019 Conference Dates . : 19-20 December 2019 For further details contact: Prof. I. V. Malhan President, IATLIS Email: Dr. Jagtar Singh Director (Collaborations and Partnerships) IATLIS and Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Science & Professor In-Charge, Punjabi University Library, Patiala 147002 (Punjab) Tel: 0175-304-6152 and 6153 Email: and Dr. H.P.S. Kalra Professor and Head, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala & General Secretary, IATLIS. Tel: 0175-3046179, 6180 Email: How to reach Pondicherry The Pondicherry University is located at about 165 km south of Chennai metropolitan city and is well-connected by road and rail. Pondicherry has got an airport having daily flights to Bangalore and Hyderabad. Pondicherry University is situated on the Chennai-Puducherry East Coast Road (ECR) where buses ply frequently from Chennai to Puducherry on the ECR route round the clock. From Chennai, this is the most convenient route to reach the University and you can get down on request at the University Gate. However, from Chennai, Puducherry can also be reached by NH 45 via. Tindivanam and one should get down at Puducherry Bus Stand and then take a city service to reach the University. It is have distance of 170 km from Chennai, 204 km from Trichy, 233 km from Tirupati, 335 km from Madurai, 639 km from Trivandrum, 578 km from Kanyakumari, 96 km from Mahabalipuram, 368 km from Bangalore and 564 km from Kochi. travelling time and the bus fare is Rs.10/-. Autorickshaws are also available from Puducherry Town and may charge about Rs.150-200/- for drop at the University. Weather and Accommodation: The temperature usually ranges between 20 - 30 degree celcius and generally humid. A wide range of accommodation is available in Pondicherry ranging from Rs.700/- to Rs.5000/-. Organizing Secretary Dr. C. K. Ramaiah, Professor, DLIS and Dean, School of Media and Communication Pondicherry University,Puducherry Email: ; Tel(O): 0413-2654047; 2654592, Fax: 0413-2656766; Mobile: 9487605773. Local Organizing Committee: Dr. Rekha.R.V. Assistant Professor & HoD I/C DLIS, Pondicherry University Email: Dr. R. Sevukan, Associate Professor DLIS, Pondicherry University Email: , Dr. Mangkhollen Singson Assistant Professor DLIS, Pondicherry University Email: Dr. M. Leeladharan Assistant Professor DLIS, Pondicherry University Email: Registration Form XXXV IATLIS Conference 19-20 December 2019 at Pondicherry University, Puducherry Name: (Prof./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms):………………………………………… Name/s of accompanying person/s (if any):………………………… Designation: …………………………………………........................... Institution:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Mailing Address: ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Email: …………………………………………………………………….. Phone: (O) …………………………….., (M) …………………………. Payment Details: Bank: …………………………………………………………….. Draft/Cheque no/Online transfer details .…………………… .…………………… Dated: ………................................ Amount:…………………………… Whether accommodation is required: Yes / No. If Yes, number of persons and their names:…………………………….. Arrival and Departure Details (Date, Time): ………….…………………. ……………………………………………………………………...………… Date: ____________ Signature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindly send the completed registration form along with registration fee to: the General Secretary, IATLIS, C/o Department of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002 (Punjab) latest by 12 December 2019.

On request from several faculty members and librarians, the last date of paper submission for 35th IATLIS Conference has been extended till 30 November 2019. ------------------------------ XXXV IATLIS NATIONAL CONFERENCE on the theme Restructuring of Library and Information Science Education in the Internet Era 19-20 December 2019 Jointly organized by The Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) and The Department of Library and Information Science Pondicherry University, Puducherry at Pondicherry University, Puducherry ABOUT THE IATLIS The Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) is a professional association of more than 600 teachers and professionals in Library and Information Science in India. Since its inception in 1969, IATLIS has been active in taking up several issues of LIS Education in India especially relating to the development of curriculum, teaching methods, infrastructure, teacher training, etc. It actively works for the promotion of the professional interests of LIS teachers. As part of its activities, it conducts national seminars, workshops, and training programmes. It publishes conference proceedings and also an electronic journal “IATLIS Journal of Library Education and Research”. For more details about the association, kindly go to ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY Pondicherry University, a Central University was established in 1985 by an Act of Parliament with the objective to disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional and research facilities in such branches of study as it may deem fit and more specifically, to make special provisions for studies in French and for integrated courses in Science and Humanities and to promote inter-disciplinary studies and research in the University. The University has also PG Centres at Karaikal and Port Blair. Karaikal Centre currently offers three PG programmes. The MHRD - India Rankings 2017 ranked the Pondicherry University in 37th place among University Category and 59th place in the Overall Category out of 724 Universities / Institutions by a ranking process through National Institutional Ranking Framework. The University has 15 Schools, 39 Departments, 11 Centres and One Chair offering over 141 PG, P.G.Diploma/Certificate & Research programmes and receiving about 50,000 applications for these programmes from all over India. The University has more than 6400 students, about 500 PhD scholars and over 49,000 students in its 95 affiliated colleges and singed 48 MoUs (25 international and 23 national) with Foreign Universities / Institutions and Indian Institutions. The University Library is totally automated with RFID and CCTV Surveillance System with remote login facility for information access. And also has special facility for visually challenged (Braille Lab) in the library to access the resources through specialized software. About the Department The Department of Library and Information Science was started during the academic year 2007-08. The Department offers a two years integrated Master’s Degree (M.Lib.I.Sc.), a Ph.D. Degree Programme in Library and Information Science and an Add-on Course – Postgraduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) offered in the evenings. M.Lib.I.Sc. is a professional degree and there is a great demand for the library professionals in the job market. M.Lib.I.Sc. postgraduates get placed as Librarians, Information Scientists, Knowledge Managers, Technical Editors, Consultants, etc. Those who qualify UGC- NET or SET examination can enter academics as Assistant Professor or Assistant Librarian of a University or Librarian of a College. Those who qualify UGC-JRF can also pursue research in the field of Library & Information Science with UGC fellowship. An added qualification of PGDLAN would place the student at a higher advantage in the job arena with knowledge of automation and networking. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The theme of the IATLIS National Conference 2019 is: Restructuring of Library and Information Science Education in the Internet Era Sub-themes include, but are not limited to: · Changing information landscape and LIS education. · Media and information literacy including data literacy · Open movement including open access, open data and open educational resources etc. · ICT advances and need for relevant competencies · Human resource development for mobile-learning, big data, open data, and big open linked data · LIS education, and changing employment and workplace scenario · Preparedness of LIS Departments/Schools for changing environment · ODL for inclusion and quality manpower development · Human values, ethics and aesthetics of LIS education and practice · Role of government bodies including the UGC for regulating and supporting LIS education · LIS education and the Sustainable Development Goals · LIS literature, research and training CALL FOR PAPERS The organizing committee invites articles and scholarly papers on the theme of the conference. latest by18 November 2019. Abstracts will be reviewed to check quality and relevance to the main topic of the conference. The papers should include full title including sub-title (if any), names and contact details of all authors, abstract proper, 3-5 keywords, and a brief bio (up to 200 words) of each author, latest by 18 November 2019 to the General Secretary, IATLIS, C/o Department of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002 (Punjab), by email at REGISTRATION DETAILS Indian Delegates: Sponsored Rs. 2000/- Non-Sponsored Rs. 1500/- Retired Professionals Rs. 1,000/- Accompanying Person Rs. 1,000/- Students/Researchers Rs. 300/- Foreign Delegates: SAARC Countries $ 100 Other Countries $ 200 The registration fee covers conference kit, proceedings of the conference (upon post-publication), and working lunch, and session tea for the conference days. The registration fee does not include breakfast, dinner and accommodation. Papers presented at the conference will be published in the post-conference volume that would be sent to the registered delegates later on, as per the decision of the General Body. Delegates are requested to include registration fees for accompanying persons while forwarding their registration forms since it would not be possible to entertain last minute requests for accommodation. Accompanying persons shall not be entitled for conference kits. Delegates are requested to intimate their travel plans in advance to avoid last minute inconvenience. The Demand Draft/ Multicity cheque for registration fee should be in favour of IATLIS payable at Patiala, and should be sent along with the duly filled in Registration Form latest by 12 December 2019. Delegates can also transfer the registration fee online in account no. 65048083922 of State Bank of India, Punjabi University, Patiala branch (IFSC Code: SBIN0050009). The account is in the name of Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS). In case of online transfer, the proof of transfer should be sent with the registration form. All the participants are requested to send their registration form duly filled along with the requisite fee applicable latest by 12 December 2019 to the General Secretary, IATLIS, Department of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala, 147002 (Punjab). Phone: 0175-3046179, 80. IMPORTANT DATES: Paper submission . : 18 November 2019, extended till 30 November 2019. Notification of acceptance : by First week of December 2019. Registration form submission : 12 December 2019 Conference Dates . : 19-20 December 2019 For further details contact: Prof. I. V. Malhan President, IATLIS Email: Dr. Jagtar Singh Director (Collaborations and Partnerships) IATLIS and Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Science & Professor In-Charge, Punjabi University Library, Patiala 147002 (Punjab) Tel: 0175-304-6152 and 6153 Email: and Dr. H.P.S. Kalra Professor and Head, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala & General Secretary, IATLIS. Tel: 0175-3046179, 6180 Email: How to reach Pondicherry The Pondicherry University is located at about 165 km south of Chennai metropolitan city and is well-connected by road and rail. Pondicherry has got an airport having daily flights to Bangalore and Hyderabad. Pondicherry University is situated on the Chennai-Puducherry East Coast Road (ECR) where buses ply frequently from Chennai to Puducherry on the ECR route round the clock. From Chennai, this is the most convenient route to reach the University and you can get down on request at the University Gate. However, from Chennai, Puducherry can also be reached by NH 45 via. Tindivanam and one should get down at Puducherry Bus Stand and then take a city service to reach the University. It is have distance of 170 km from Chennai, 204 km from Trichy, 233 km from Tirupati, 335 km from Madurai, 639 km from Trivandrum, 578 km from Kanyakumari, 96 km from Mahabalipuram, 368 km from Bangalore and 564 km from Kochi. From other southern towns and cities like Bengaluru, Tiruchirapalli, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trivandrum by road/rail, one should get down at Puducherry Bus Stand /Railway Station. By train, one has to get down at Puducherry Railway Station and reach Bus Stand in order to catch a town bus to reach Pondicherry University. The Pondicherry University is located at about 11 Kms north of Puducherry Bus Stand and takes about 25 minutes travelling time and the bus fare is Rs.10/-. Autorickshaws are also available from Puducherry Town and may charge about Rs.150-200/- for drop at the University. Weather and Accommodation: The temperature usually ranges between 20 - 30 degree celcius and generally humid. A wide range of accommodation is available in Pondicherry ranging from Rs.700/- to Rs.5000/-. Organizing Secretary Dr. C. K. Ramaiah, Professor, DLIS and Dean, School of Media and Communication Pondicherry University,Puducherry Email: ; Tel(O): 0413-2654047; 2654592, Fax: 0413-2656766; Mobile: 9487605773. Local Organizing Committee: Dr. Rekha.R.V. Assistant Professor & HoD I/C DLIS, Pondicherry University Email: Dr. R. Sevukan, Associate Professor DLIS, Pondicherry University Email: , Dr. Mangkhollen Singson Assistant Professor DLIS, Pondicherry University Email: Dr. M. Leeladharan Assistant Professor DLIS, Pondicherry University Email: Registration Form XXXV IATLIS Conference 19-20 December 2019 at Pondicherry University, Puducherry Name: (Prof./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms):………………………………………… Name/s of accompanying person/s (if any):………………………… Designation: …………………………………………........................... Institution:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Mailing Address: ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Email: …………………………………………………………………….. Phone: (O) …………………………….., (M) …………………………. Payment Details: Bank: …………………………………………………………….. Draft/Cheque no/Online transfer details .…………………… .…………………… Dated: ………................................ Amount:…………………………… Whether accommodation is required: Yes / No. If Yes, number of persons and their names:…………………………….. Arrival and Departure Details (Date, Time): ………….…………………. ……………………………………………………………………...………… Date: ____________ Signature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindly send the completed registration form along with registration fee to: the General Secretary, IATLIS, C/o Department of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002 (Punjab) latest by 12 December 2019.
participants (1)
Harinder Pal Singh Kalra