Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:17:21 +0530
From: KR. Senthil Kumar
Digital South Asia Library - Schwartzberg Atlas
The Digital Library of South Asia, University of Chicago, IL, US.
Supplied note:
"The Digital Library of South Asia, at the University of Chicago, has
just mounted a digital version of Schwartzberg's invaluable
historical atlas [Schwartzberg, Joseph E. A Historical Atlas of South
Asia. 2nd impression, with additional material. New York ; Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1992. - ed.]. See [the URL below]. We're
still calling this a trial release. A number of smallish improvements
will be added over the next few weeks. Some major improvements
involving a GIS interface should be available before the middle of
next year. - jn."
[The interactive map viewer requires an ADOBE Flash Player. - ed.]