UNESCO-UNAOC MILID Yearbook 2015: Call for Papers
Dear Professional Colleagues,
Proposals are now being sought for articles to be published in the 2015
Yearbook on media and information literacy and intercultural dialogue. The
MILID Yearbook is a peer reviewed academic publication and a joint
initiative of the UNESCO-UNAOC University Cooperation Programme on Media
and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue. The cooperation
programme was launched in 2011 within the framework of the UNESCO
university twinning programme (UNITWIN). The MILID university network now
consists of 14 universities from all regions of the world. MILID Yearbook
2013 and 2014 published in cooperation with the Nordic Information Centre
for Media and Communication Research (NORDICOM).
The objectives of the Yearbook are to:
· Strengthen and deepen the knowledge concerning MILID on global,
regional and national levels including in the frame on human rights and
· Widen and deepen the knowledge concerning MILID
· Widen and deepen the collaboration and exchange between the
partner universities on media and information literacy
· Visualize and stimulate research and practices within as well as
outside the UNITWIN Network in the field of MILID while promoting a more
holistic perspective
The theme of the 2015 Yearbook is, *“Media and Information Literacy:
Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.”* In the year 2000, governments
and development partners all over the world agreed on global eight
development targets called the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 2015 is
a pivotal year as it marks the end of the period during which the MDGs are
to be reached and the year in which new global development targets are to
be set. These new targets are referred to as the Post 2015 Sustainable
Development Goals. This process is in its highest gear with ongoing debates
and consultative meetings/initiatives globally both online and offline.
While much progress has been made, achievement of the MDGs has been mixed
across counties.
*Key Sub-themes:*
a. Governance, citizenship and freedom of expression;
b. Access to information and knowledge for all citizens;
c. Development of media, libraries, Internet and other
information providers;
d. Education, teaching, and learning – including professional
e. Linguistic and cultural diversity as well as intercultural and
interfaith dialogue;
f. Women, children and youth, persons with disabilities and
other marginalised social groups;
g. Health and wellness;
h. Business, industry, employment and sustainable economic
i. Agriculture, farming, wildlife protection, forestry and
resources conservation as well as other areas.
All articles submitted must be linked to one of the sub-themes above.
Special attention should be given to the intercultural dimensions of these
areas. Papers should engage the reader to understand media and information
literacy beyond their home country or professional area of competence. The
focus of the papers should be on the theme “Media and Information Literacy:
Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.” All papers must demonstrate a
connection with at least three of the following components:
1. Yearbook theme and sub-themes
2. Global Alliance for Partnership on MIL (GAPMIL) Framework
and Plan of Action
3. Content includes research findings, theories, or reflects learned
experience and best practices in either application of MIL,
teaching or curriculum design
4. Topic is of global interest and lends to increase visibility for
the MILID Yearbook
5. Author’s academic or professional leadership in the field
The Yearbook will contain articles from MILID university network (called
partners or member universities) as well as experts or practitioners
outside of the network. Equal value is placed on both groups. The
centrality of information and communications to development is irrefutable.
The MILID Yearbook will provide a case for media and information literacy
(MIL) as a tool for open and inclusive sustainable development. It will
draw on research findings, theories and practices of MIL, and development
focusing on the theme and sub-themes of the Yearbook.
*Please assure that the proposal for your article is received via email no
later than 23 January 2015. *Please note that you may author the article
yourself or you may work with colleagues within your university or outside
your university to write an article. You are the lead person for assuring
that we have a paper from your university or region. Please give this your
highest priority so that this Yearbook may be a positive accomplishment for
our MILID group.
More information @
Authors will be notified of acceptance by 06 February 2015.
Authors should be prepared to submit a full article by 06 March 2015.
Length: 3,000 to 5,000 words (approximately 10-13 pages double-spaced)
Please use the APA Style for the purpose of articles. Proposal submission
form attached.
Email proposals to:
Dr. Jagtar Singh,
Professor and Head,
Department of Library and Information Science,
Punjabi University, Patiala-147002 (India)
Please address questions to Jagtar Singh jagtardeep@gmail.com, Department
of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala (India),
Alton Grizzle, a.grizzle@unesco.org, UNESCO, Paris (France), Sin Joan Yee,
sjoan.yee@usp.ac.fj, University of South Pacific (Fiji), or Sherri Hope
Culver shculver@temple.edu Temple University (USA), Center for Media and
Information Literacy.
*Proposal Submission Form*
*Important Dates and Information*
All articles and submissions must be in English.
Abstracts for proposed articles must be submitted by 23 January 2015.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by 06 February 2015.
Authors should be prepared to submit a full article by 06 March 2015.
Final papers: 3,000 to 5,000 words (approximately 10-13 pages double-spaced)
*Email this form to jagtardeep@gmail.com
participants (1)
Jagtar Singh