RE: [LIS-Forum] Library science -universe of knowledge

Dear Shantha , You are right, one has to have interest in the subject and inclination towards the service supporting with new technology. Along with this I also wish to expess why other professionals are not able to serve their users of the libraries using new technology, the reason being the lack of opportunity to learn or work with the new technology ,so the ignorance puts them down. Mainly if the person is not from a computer science background will take little time to learn or get adjusted to the computer technology. S/He will not be able to create a database on own will need a guide and that is not possible in an industrial field where the completion of work is the first preference and no one wishes to give time to train and then get the work done.In stead the industry will appoint a new person with wanted knowledge of new technology but will not invest little time and energy to bring up the existing human resource with that new technology. So to see many places a division of Knowledge management is created separately but not involved the library or librarian in this regard. Traditional librarians are suppressed and it is told towards them that Knowledge Management is different from the librarian's job. Knowledge Management is a technical job what traditional librarian cannot do. My suggestion here is towards the Library science schools,colleges to modify their syllabus , please get permission from University to do that and teach library professionals a bit of computer technology , at least how to create Database, how to use Metadata, how to use and serve with content management using the new technology. This will definitely help the suppresed group and will bring up our professionals in to the limelight than that of today. There will be no complaint from the technical group .University and the colleges should also can conduct a lateral programme for this group specially , keeping in mind it should not cross 15 days . Of course it should be hands on machine workshop along with theory. Hope I could express the words of suppressed group. Hena S Gupta Infosys Central Library, Education & Research Department, Infosys Technologies Limited, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore-560100 Board : (91)-(080)-28520261 Ext 52196 Fax: (91)-(080)-28520742 We enable you to leverage knowledge anytime, anywhere! -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of shantha venkatesan Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:06 AM To: Subject: [LIS-Forum] Library science -universe of knowledge Dear Jaya Library science is pertaining to knowledge management as we all know. However, I feel the answer to your question lies in the book: Foskett: Subject approach to information Even Dr.S.R.Ranganathan has brought out this aspect in his book, I do not recollect the title exactly - but concerning "facets". Subject background does make a difference. You could have seen subject specialists without library science background are also managing their libraries very well when compared to library science graduate without subject knowledge. The other way is also possible. Around 15 years back I got the opportunity to visit CFTRI library Mysore. I could see library science graduates with social science background could give excellent service. In my opinion it all depends on the interest, dedication with which one works. One cannot put hard and fast rule. There are cases where a person has NET,SET,M.Lib.Sc and all qualifications that UGC, AICTE require as per rule. But they are not able to provide the service to readers. Don't you agree with me? -- Shantha Venkatesan. Senior Librarian Prof.M.M.Sharma Library U.I.C.T.Matunga (East) Mumbai400 019 _______________________________________________ LIS-Forum mailing list
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