CSI eNewsletter -- Apr-May, 2014 -- Inputs for "CSI History"

Dear all, After a break, we are resuming the CSI eNewsletter. The CSI eNewsletter of Apr-May, 2014 (combined issue) can be accessed at http://www.csi-chennai.org/csi-enl/csi-enl-2014-apr.pdf OR http://www.csi-chennai.org/csi-enl/csi-enl-2014-may.pdf and also at the CSI KM Portal http://www.csi-india.org/enewsletter For the archives of this newsletter, pl. visit http://www.csi-chennai.org/csi-enl/csi-enl-archives.htm or at http://www.csi-india.org/archives5 You are free to forward this mail to your contacts who may like the information presented in the mail. =============================================== Primer on CSI History - An Appeal As Computer Society of India (CSI) will be turning 50 in 2015, a series of Golden Jubilee events/activities are planned in the coming two years. In this context, a primer on "CSI History" -- highlighting the significant milestones of CSI from its inception is being brought out. To facilitate the compilation/preparation of this primer, inputs are requested from CSI members and all who have been associated with CSI at various capacities at the chapter, regional, national and international levels. Kindly provide us with all possible information relevant to this primer as write-ups, documents, publications, photographs and in all other forms at your earliest. The inputs provided will be used with suitable acknowledgement. While soft copies of the inputs can be sent to by email to csi.history@gmail.com the hard copies (documents/publications/photos/) may pl. be sent to: Director - Education, Computer Society of India, Education Directorate, CIT Campus, IV Cross Road, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113. Ph: +91-44-22541102 / 1103 / 2874. After use, they will be returned back to you if desired. We request your immediate support in this activity as the lead-time for the primer preparation is quite short. =============================================== With regards HR Mohan Editor -- CSI eNewsletter http://infoforuse.blogspot.com/ Contents ======= -- Digital Life in 2025 -- The IT Manager's Indispensable Guide to E-Discovery -- Collaboration B.I. (Before Internet -- Seven Simple Truths About Desktop and Mobile Video Conferencing -- The Software-Defined Data Center Is Key to IT-as-a-Service -- The Cloud Handbook -- Executive's guide to microservers in the data center -- Patch Management Best Practices for IT Professionals -- Heartbleed Bug Patch Underway, But Was It Really the Problem -- Heartbleed: Which Passwords You Need to Change -- U.S. Gives Cybersecurity Advice to Critical Infrastructure Operators--But No Rules -- Security Analytics Handbook by RSA -- Glossary: Startup and Venture Capital terms you should know -- 10 resume mistakes to avoid: There is one goal for your resume -- Video resumes: The good, the bad, and the ridiculous -- The Five Types of Bad Communicators -- User Generated Education -- 21st Century Skills for a learner -- Gamification Infographic -- 3D printer raises $1M in 24 hours, proves there is massive demand -- Big data techniques and technologies -- Google Earth Engine Brings Big Data to Environmental Activism -- Global E-Waste Will Jump 33 Percent in the Next Five Years -- Google's 10 big bets on the future -- How to Migrate from Windows XP -- Older Adults and Technology Use -- Distinguished Lecture on "How Internet of Things (IoT) Will Transform Everything" -- Presentation on "Securing the Unsecured in Cyber Space -- Presentation on "Vedic Mathematics in Engineering Applications" -- Presentation on "Big Data Problems in Social Media Analytics" -- Presentation on "Cybernetics of De-Schooled Learning" -- Presentation on "Trillion Dollar by 2025 - North Star for Indian IT" -- An opportunity seized but not fulfilled -- Intellect or Hard Work -- CSI @ 50 - Golden Jubilee :: Forthcoming Events -- ICT News: Voices & Views -- ICT News: Govt, Policy, Telecom, Compliance -- ICT News: IT Manpower, Staffing & Top Moves -- ICT News: Company News: Tie-ups, Joint Ventures, New Initiatives -- Book: Green Computing: Tools and Techniques for Saving Energy, Money, and Resources (CRC Press) -- Book: Big Data and Business Analytics (CRC Press) -- Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age (Springer) -- Giants of Computing: A Compendium of Select, Pivotal Pioneers (Springer) -- LAN Switching and Wireless: CCNA Exploration Companion Guide (Pearson) -- Microsoft Office 2013 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide (Pearson) -- Code Halos: How the Digital Lives of People, Things and Organizations are Changing the Rules of Business (Wiley India) -- The catalyst (Darshana Publishers, Sri Lanka) -- About the CSI-eNewsletter -- Contributions to CSI-eNewsletter InfoQuiz-2014-Apr-May (EIGHT Prizes to of Rs. 250/= each to Win) ================================================= 1. Whose mission is to be the company where "customers can find anything they might want to buy". 2. ------ is the codename for an initiative by Google that aims to develop a free, open hardware platform for creating highly modular smartphones. 3. Whatsapp was acquired by Facebook at ------ times its turnover making the deal the biggest since Time Warner Inc's merger with AOL. 4. What is the current tagline of the company whose earlier tagline was "Invent" 5. Which flavour of Linux is set to become an alternative platform to Android for mobiles. Email your answers by 10th Jun 2014 to csi.infoquiz@gmail.com with subject "infoquiz-2014-Apr-May". Please provide your name, designation, company/institution, full postal address (to send the prize amount by cheque) and the contact phone nos. after the answers. There are EIGHT prizes of INR 250/= each to win. While four prizes of INR 250/= are sponsored by Cognitive Platform Solutions (CPS) Pvt Ltd (http://cognitiveplatformsolutions.com), a wholly owned subsidiary of SRA Systems which focuses on software products and solutions, the remaining four prizes of INR 250/= are sponsored by Orbit Innovations Private Limited (www.orbitinnovations.com). Answers along with the winners' info will be published in the next issue. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Mohan Hr