Carolyn Watters Lecture at DLIS Mysore - MULISSA Lecture Series
Prof. Carolyn Watters, faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Canada addressed the students and staff of Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Mysore on the topic �Design considerations for web access on PDAs� on the Friday, March 3, 2006. Summary of the Lecture: Personal digital assistant (also called PDA) is a small handheld device that could be used as mobile phones, web browsers or media players. It was initially developed as personal organizers. Today, is being used for varieties of purposes including Internet access. Prof. Watters discussed the issues involved in display and input in a small screen devices. Browsing, Reading, Finding, and Comparison activities needs to be handled differently in a small screen devices. She demonstrated various methods available for these activities. The four common approaches to displaying web pages on small screen devices: Direct Migration, Linear, Overview and Overview were explained with examples. Overview method and the Gateway use the user�s familiarity of a web page to allow us to reduce a web page to fit within one screen on the PDA with a zooming capacity to expand sections of the page. She gave the details of some of the user study results about the effectiveness of these approaches. The lecture was attended by students, faculty members and researchers. Prof. Michael Shepherd of Dalhousie University was also present during the lecture. The program was organised as a part of MULISSA (Mysore University Library and Information Science Students Association) activity. -- N.S.Harinarayana Ph.D Department of Library and Information Science University of Mysore Manasagangotri, Mysore 570 006 Ph: 2419393 !DSPAM:44092f6b137171673113986!
participants (1)
N.S. Harinarayana