Call for Expressions of Interest in Hosting the Annual Open Repositories Conference, 2016
Apologies for cross-posting
June 27, 2014
Read it online:
-- CALL for Expressions of Interest in Hosting the Annual Open
Repositories Conference, 2016 --
The Open Repositories Steering Committee seeks Expressions of Interest
from candidate host organizations for the 2016 Open Repositories
Annual Conference. Proposals from all geographic areas will be given
-- Important dates --
The Open Repositories Steering Committee is accepting Expressions of
Interest to host the OR2016 conference until August 24th 2014.
Shortlisted sites will be notified before the end of September 2014.
-- Background --
Candidate institutions must have the ability to host a four-day
conference of approximately 300-500 attendees (OR2014 held recently in
Helsinki, Finland drew more than 450 people). This includes
appropriate access to conference facilities, lodging, and
transportation, as well as the ability to manage a range of supporting
services (food services, internet services, and conference social
events; conference web site; management of registration and online
payments; etc.). The candidate institutions and their local
arrangements committee must have the means to support the costs of
producing the conference through attendee registration and independent
fundraising. Fuller guidance is provided in the Open Repositories
Conference Handbook on the Open Repositories wiki.
-- Expressions of Interest Guidelines --
Organisations interested in proposing to host the OR2016 conference
should follow the steps listed below:
1. Expressions of Interest (EoIs) must be received by August 24th,
2014. Please direct these EoIs and any enquiries to OR Steering
Committee Chair Carol Minton Morris
participants (1)
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