Open Source Tools: E-Publishing : Digital Publishing System (DPubS)

Open Source Tools: E-Publishing : Digital Publishing System (DPubS) Digital Publishing System (DPubS) is electronic publishing software for organizing, presenting, and delivering both open access and subscription-controlled scholarly communications in multiple formats (journals, books, conference proceedings, etc.). DPubS are in the Dienst system, developed within Cornell's Computer Science department DPubS is a full-featured, extensible publishing application designed on an open services model. The software enables publishers to organize, present, and deliver both open access and subscription controlled scholarly communications. Document formats currently supported are journals, monographs, and conference proceedings. The DPubS interface is based on a flexible XML/XSLT design, allowing rich and easy customization of a publication's web presence. Other features include full-text searching, OAI compliance, flexible access controls, and e-commerce capabilities. If desired, DPubS can utilize Fedora as an underlying repository. Similar support for DSpace will be added in early 2007. The system currently has administrative interfaces for basic tasks, such as submitting content, loading content, and setting user privileges. Development work is continuing on additional administrative functions and on editorial support tools. This functionality will likely be added beginning in early 2007 For download: DPubS has the following minimum requirements: * Hardware o Tested DPubS on Solaris 9 (sparc) Solaris 10 (sparc) and Linux (Red Hat FC4 for x86). o DPubS should work fine anywhere you can run Apache/mod_perl. * Perl 5.8+ * * Recommend perl 5.8+ because of the unicode support that was adding with 5.8. * Apache/mod_perl o Apache (1.3.x) and mod_perl (1.x) or Apache (2.x) and mod_perl (2.x). * Java o If Lucene search engine is used, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.2 or greater is required. * Storage Space o The disk space needed for DPubS will depend primarily on the amount and type of content that you are going to publish. o The DPubS source code itself requires less than 10 MB of space. * RAM o A minimum of 256MB of memory is recommended for DPubS. Administrator Guide Presentation DPubS: This presentation will provide information about DPubS, the Digital Publishing System project that Penn State is working on with Cornell University. Download the presentation (2.7 MB PPT file) http://http// -- Regards hbmallikarjuna hbmallikarjuna[at] ################################################################## "All power is within you, you can do anything and everything.Believe in that,do not believe that you are weak... You can do anything and everything, without even the guidance of any one. All power is there......"--Swamy Vivekananda ################################################################## --------------------------------- Find out what India is talking about on - Yahoo! Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Yahoo! Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Open Source Tools: E-Publishing : Digital Publishing System (DPubS) Digital Publishing System (DPubS) is electronic publishing software for organizing, presenting, and delivering both open access and subscription-controlled scholarly communications in multiple formats (journals, books, conference proceedings, etc.). DPubS are in the Dienst system, developed within Cornell's Computer Science department DPubS is a full-featured, extensible publishing application designed on an open services model. The software enables publishers to organize, present, and deliver both open access and subscription controlled scholarly communications. Document formats currently supported are journals, monographs, and conference proceedings. The DPubS interface is based on a flexible XML/XSLT design, allowing rich and easy customization of a publication's web presence. Other features include full-text searching, OAI compliance, flexible access controls, and e-commerce capabilities. If desired, DPubS can utilize Fedora as an underlying repository. Similar support for DSpace will be added in early 2007. The system currently has administrative interfaces for basic tasks, such as submitting content, loading content, and setting user privileges. Development work is continuing on additional administrative functions and on editorial support tools. This functionality will likely be added beginning in early 2007 For download: DPubS has the following minimum requirements: * Hardware o Tested DPubS on Solaris 9 (sparc) Solaris 10 (sparc) and Linux (Red Hat FC4 for x86). o DPubS should work fine anywhere you can run Apache/mod_perl. * Perl 5.8+ * * Recommend perl 5.8+ because of the unicode support that was adding with 5.8. * Apache/mod_perl o Apache (1.3.x) and mod_perl (1.x) or Apache (2.x) and mod_perl (2.x). * Java o If Lucene search engine is used, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.2 or greater is required. * Storage Space o The disk space needed for DPubS will depend primarily on the amount and type of content that you are going to publish. o The DPubS source code itself requires less than 10 MB of space. * RAM o A minimum of 256MB of memory is recommended for DPubS. Administrator Guide Presentation DPubS: This presentation will provide information about DPubS, the Digital Publishing System project that Penn State is working on with Cornell University . Download the presentation (2.7 MB PPT file) http://http/ http://http// -- Regards hbmallikarjuna hbmallikarjuna[at] ################################################################## "All power is within you, you can do anything and everything.Believe in that,do not believe that you are weak... You can do anything and everything, without even the guidance of any one. All power is there......"--Swamy Vivekananda ################################################################## Find out what India is talking about on -* Yahoo! Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Yahoo! Messenger Version 8.* Get it NOW
participants (1)
Mallikarjuna, H.B