RE: [LIS-Forum] RE: The Sabo Bill and Open Access
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 07:26:27 +0100 (BST)
From: "[iso-8859-1] Subbiah Arunachalam"
From: sathya
Hi Arun
Our Feb 2004 editorial in U&I focuses on Martin Saboo's bill and its implications - "OAI and the Copyright Battle"
A QUESTION(that haunts me), to Forum members.
What should be the OAI's approach to "Indexes and database Aggregations"? For example, "Chemical Abstracts" and "the Journal of American Chemical Society" are different species of knowledge-animal, of entirely different value. Please note, a new separate Act is enacted recently by US Government to copyright protect databases, while Saboo's bill seeks to take-out federally funded (substantially) research publications out of copyright.
Sathya -------------------------------------------------- N V Sathyanarayana Informatics --------------------------------------------------
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The power of secondary sources like CAS is derived from the indexing that
they do. How I wish that the meta tags on OAA use CA Registry numbers!!
The whole discussion on open access is often very polarized - finally it is
a question of money which some one has to pay - the question is who should
pay! Springer has announced an "open choice" model where for $3000 (to be
paid by the author), they would make the article "free access".
Even institutional archives also needs funding for server, connectivity and
continued commitment over the next several years! The other big question in
the Indian context is who will upload the article - the librarian or the
Dr. S. Krishnan
National Chemical Lab, PUNE 411008, INDIA
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Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 6:31 PM
Subject: RE: [LIS-Forum] RE: The Sabo Bill and Open Access
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 07:26:27 +0100 (BST)
From: "[iso-8859-1] Subbiah Arunachalam"
From: sathya
Hi Arun
Our Feb 2004 editorial in U&I focuses on Martin Saboo's bill and its implications - "OAI and the Copyright Battle"
A QUESTION(that haunts me), to Forum members.
What should be the OAI's approach to "Indexes and database Aggregations"? For example, "Chemical Abstracts" and "the Journal of American Chemical Society" are different species of knowledge-animal, of entirely different value. Please note, a new separate Act is enacted recently by US Government to copyright protect databases, while Saboo's bill seeks to take-out federally funded (substantially) research publications out of copyright.
Sathya -------------------------------------------------- N V Sathyanarayana Informatics --------------------------------------------------
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