Dear Moderator, Kindly post the following national Seminar announcement. Regards, Dimple Patel, MGNIRSA, Hyderabad. *******Call for papers****** NATIONAL SEMINAR ON E-PUBLICATIONS March 23-24, 2006 MGNIRSA, Hyderabad. The Centre for Information Science (CIS), Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of Research and Social Action (MGNIRSA), Hyderabad is organizing a two-day national seminar on E-Publications during March 23-24, 2006 in Hyderabad. The seminar will deal with different aspects of E-publications however, the main focus will be on E-books and E-journals. Seminar Theme: Print publications like books and journals in particular have now manifested into electronic formats, E-books and E-journals. While E-publications provide many advantages they also present some issues which need to be addressed. This seminar tries to provide a platform for representatives from different groups like the authors, e-publishers and booksellers and librarians to discuss and address key issues in the publishing, usage and management of e-publications. Scope of the Seminar: The seminar will deal with various themes dealing with different aspects of E-publications, with the main focus being on E-books and E-journals. The themes for the seminar are: General issues related to E-publications * Issues in design, development and types of e-books and e-journals * E-books and e-journals in teaching and learning * Trends and Future of e-publications * Problems related to E-publications Emerging Technologies in e-publishing * New developments in e-publications * Media usage in e-publications * File formats * Software and Hardware technologies in e-publications * Issues related to e-book readers * Compatibility issues Standards in E-publications * Standards for: content packaging & formatting; content encapsulation & decapsulation; content dissemination; content storage * Standards for e-book readers * Standards for e-books software * Proprietary standards vs. open standards Content authoring and E-publishing * E-publishing Authoring tools * Content authoring in e-publications * Issues in e-publishing and e-publications * Changing roles of authors, agents and publishers in e-publishing era * Conversion from print to electronic publications E-Books and E-journals Applications * Higher Education & Research * Distance learning * E-learning * Enterprise applications Users and Usage of e-books and e-journals * Users perceptions, inhibitions, attitude, expectations, problems * Use and usability issues * Accessibility issues * Usage of e-books & e-journals in schools, colleges & universities E-publications in different types of Libraries * Implementation and policy issues * Collection development issues * Licensing issues * Lending issues (user authentication, data encryption, etc) * Cataloging of e-publications * Preservation and Archival issues * Obsolescence issues E-publishing in India * Case studies of Indian e-publishers, authors and suppliers * E-publication in India * E-publishing industry in India Library Consortia * Consortia models * Case studies of consortium initiatives in India * Issues related to Consortia approach Digital Rights Management * Rights Transfer * Copyright issues * Plagiarism and piracy issues * Digital Content Rights management Business Models for e-publications * Pricing models for e-books and e-journals * Subscription models for e-journals * E-content delivery models * Marketing trends/opportunities for e-publications * Licensing issues * Issues related to publishers, aggregators and booksellers Who can attend this seminar? * Library & Information Science Professionals and Educators * E-Publishers and suppliers of e-books and e-journals * Academics, research students and teachers with an interest in e-publications, e-learning, etc. * Academics in the fields of publishing, education and training. * IT professionals with an interest in e-publishing. * General users of e-publications * Educators with an interest in e-publishing and e-learning. Submission of papers: The seminar organisers are looking for high quality research papers in the areas related to e-books. Paper may be submitted in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), or MS Word (.doc) format. The last date to receive papers is 15 February, 2006. Receipt of the paper will be confirmed through email. Notification of acceptance will be sent by the seminar coordinator through email by 25 February, 2006. All papers submitted to National Seminar on E-publications must be written in English, using appropriate grammar and syntax. Final camera-ready version of full paper is due by 06 March, 2006. Registration and final payment are due by 15 March, 2006. Late registration fee payments or paper submissions will result in the papers being excluded from the seminar proceedings. The page limit for final papers is eight single-spaced pages in 10 point Times New Roman font. Paper will be included in the seminar proceedings only after payment of the registration fee. Important dates: 23-24 March, 2006 Seminar Dates 15 February, 2006 Deadline for paper submissions 25 February, 2006 Notification for acceptance 06 March, 2006 Deadline for submitting camera-ready version of full papers 15 March, 2006 Deadline for (early) registration Registration Fee: The registration fee for general participants is Rs.650.00 and a student participant is Rs. 300. All the authorised students/research scholars are allowed to use this facility but they need to provide a letter from their Department/university certifying that he/she is the bonafied student of their department/university. The registration fee covers a set of pre-conference papers volume, two days lunch, tea and refreshments. Register early by 15th March 2006 to receive Rs.50.00 off on the seminar registration fee. Late applicants and day visitors can pay on arrival. Advance payments may be made by bank demand draft or cheque payable at Hyderabad. Participants registering on arrival must pay in cash. Location: The conference is going to be held at Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of Research and Social Action [MGNIRSA], Street No.17, Gagan Mahal Raod, Domal Guda, Hyderabad 500 029. Accommodation: A wide range of accommodation is available in Hyderabad. Within 10 minutes walking distance is the Hotel Dwaraka (Rs.500.00 per single room, Rs.600.00 per double room, Rs.650 deluxe room, Rs.800 double room with AC). Charges for other hotels in Hyderabad range from Rs.500.00 to Rs.5000.00 per day. Those who want accommodation may write to the Seminar Coordinator for booking their accommodation in advance clearly mentioning the type of room they want, price range, number of days of stay and for how many persons so that necessary arrangements will be made for them. For more information about this seminar or to include your address in our mailing list, please contact: Dr. Chennupati K. Ramaiah, Director, Centre for Information Science, Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of Research and Social Action [MGNIRSA], Street No.17, Gaganmahal Road, Domalguda, Hyderabad 500 029, Andhra Pradesh. Telephone: 040-27672492; Facsimile: 091-40-27664920 Email: cis.dsrf@gmail.com or chennupati_kramaiah@yahoo.com REGISTRATION FORM Family name: First name: Position: Institution: Address: City/State: PIN Code: Tel. No.: (Landline): (Hand phone): Fax: Email id: Please let us know: I will attend and present a paper in the technical session I will attend the conference Please book my accommodation on payment basis Payment Details: (DD/Cheque/MO/Others) Place Date Signature Dimple Patel, Assistant Librarian, MGNIRSA, Hyderabad. INDIA. --------------------------------------- 1. Contribute to LDL: Librarians' Digital Library https://drtc.isibang.ac.in 2. Join today Digital Library Discussion Forum http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/dlrg ------------------------------------------------- "I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library" Jorge Luis BORGES (1899-1986) Dear Moderator, Kindly post the following national Seminar announcement. Regards, Dimple Patel, MGNIRSA, Hyderabad. *******Call for papers****** NATIONAL SEMINAR ON E-PUBLICATIONS March 23-24, 2006 MGNIRSA, Hyderabad. The Centre for Information Science (CIS), Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of Research and Social Action (MGNIRSA), Hyderabad is organizing a two-day national seminar on E-Publications during March 23-24, 2006 in Hyderabad. The seminar will deal with different aspects of E-publications however, the main focus will be on E-books and E-journals. Seminar Theme: Print publications like books and journals in particular have now manifested into electronic formats, E-books and E-journals. While E-publications provide many advantages they also present some issues which need to be addressed. This seminar tries to provide a platform for representatives from different groups like the authors, e-publishers and booksellers and librarians to discuss and address key issues in the publishing, usage and management of e-publications. Scope of the Seminar: The seminar will deal with various themes dealing with different aspects of E-publications, with the main focus being on E-books and E-journals. The themes for the seminar are: General issues related to E-publications * Issues in design, development and types of e-books and e-journals * E-books and e-journals in teaching and learning * Trends and Future of e-publications * Problems related to E-publications Emerging Technologies in e-publishing * New developments in e-publications * Media usage in e-publications * File formats * Software and Hardware technologies in e-publications * Issues related to e-book readers * Compatibility issues Standards in E-publications * Standards for: content packaging & formatting; content encapsulation & decapsulation; content dissemination; content storage * Standards for e-book readers * Standards for e-books software * Proprietary standards vs. open standards Content authoring and E-publishing * E-publishing Authoring tools * Content authoring in e-publications * Issues in e-publishing and e-publications * Changing roles of authors, agents and publishers in e-publishing era * Conversion from print to electronic publications E-Books and E-journals Applications * Higher Education & Research * Distance learning * E-learning * Enterprise applications Users and Usage of e-books and e-journals * Users perceptions, inhibitions, attitude, expectations, problems * Use and usability issues * Accessibility issues * Usage of e-books & e-journals in schools, colleges & universities E-publications in different types of Libraries * Implementation and policy issues * Collection development issues * Licensing issues * Lending issues (user authentication, data encryption, etc) * Cataloging of e-publications * Preservation and Archival issues * Obsolescence issues E-publishing in India * Case studies of Indian e-publishers, authors and suppliers * E-publication in India * E-publishing industry in India Library Consortia * Consortia models * Case studies of consortium initiatives in India * Issues related to Consortia approach Digital Rights Management * Rights Transfer * Copyright issues * Plagiarism and piracy issues * Digital Content Rights management Business Models for e-publications * Pricing models for e-books and e-journals * Subscription models for e-journals * E-content delivery models * Marketing trends/opportunities for e-publications * Licensing issues * Issues related to publishers, aggregators and booksellers Who can attend this seminar? * Library & Information Science Professionals and Educators * E-Publishers and suppliers of e-books and e-journals * Academics, research students and teachers with an interest in e-publications, e-learning, etc. * Academics in the fields of publishing, education and training. * IT professionals with an interest in e-publishing. * General users of e-publications * Educators with an interest in e-publishing and e-learning. Submission of papers: The seminar organisers are looking for high quality research papers in the areas related to e-books. Paper may be submitted in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), or MS Word (.doc) format. The last date to receive papers is 15 February, 2006. Receipt of the paper will be confirmed through email. Notification of acceptance will be sent by the seminar coordinator through email by 25 February, 2006. All papers submitted to National Seminar on E-publications must be written in English, using appropriate grammar and syntax. Final camera-ready version of full paper is due by 06 March, 2006. Registration and final payment are due by 15 March, 2006. Late registration fee payments or paper submissions will result in the papers being excluded from the seminar proceedings. The page limit for final papers is eight single-spaced pages in 10 point Times New Roman font. Paper will be included in the seminar proceedings only after payment of the registration fee. Important dates: 23-24 March, 2006 Seminar Dates 15 February, 2006 Deadline for paper submissions 25 February, 2006 Notification for acceptance 06 March, 2006 Deadline for submitting camera-ready version of full papers 15 March, 2006 Deadline for (early) registration Registration Fee: The registration fee for general participants is Rs.650.00 and a student participant is Rs. 300. All the authorised students/research scholars are allowed to use this facility but they need to provide a letter from their Department/university certifying that he/she is the bonafied student of their department/university. The registration fee covers a set of pre-conference papers volume, two days lunch, tea and refreshments. Register early by 15th March 2006 to receive Rs.50.00 off on the seminar registration fee. Late applicants and day visitors can pay on arrival. Advance payments may be made by bank demand draft or cheque payable at Hyderabad. Participants registering on arrival must pay in cash. Location: The conference is going to be held at Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of Research and Social Action [MGNIRSA], Street No.17, Gagan Mahal Raod, Domal Guda, Hyderabad 500 029. Accommodation: A wide range of accommodation is available in Hyderabad. Within 10 minutes walking distance is the Hotel Dwaraka (Rs.500.00 per single room, Rs.600.00 per double room, Rs.650 deluxe room, Rs.800 double room with AC). Charges for other hotels in Hyderabad range from Rs.500.00 to Rs.5000.00 per day. Those who want accommodation may write to the Seminar Coordinator for booking their accommodation in advance clearly mentioning the type of room they want, price range, number of days of stay and for how many persons so that necessary arrangements will be made for them. For more information about this seminar or to include your address in our mailing list, please contact: Dr. Chennupati K. Ramaiah, Director, Centre for Information Science, Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of Research and Social Action [MGNIRSA], Street No.17, Gaganmahal Road, Domalguda, Hyderabad 500 029, Andhra Pradesh. Telephone: 040-27672492; Facsimile: 091-40-27664920 Email: cis.dsrf@gmail.com or chennupati_kramaiah@yahoo.com REGISTRATION FORM Family name: First name: Position: Institution: Address: City/State: PIN Code: Tel. No.: (Landline): (Hand phone): Fax: Email id: Please let us know: I will attend and present a paper in the technical session I will attend the conference Please book my accommodation on payment basis Payment Details: (DD/Cheque/MO/Others) Place Date Signature Dimple Patel, Assistant Librarian, MGNIRSA, Hyderabad. INDIA. --------------------------------------- 1. Contribute to LDL: Librarians' Digital Library https://drtc.isibang.ac.in 2. Join today Digital Library Discussion Forum http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/dlrg ------------------------------------------------- "I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library" Jorge Luis BORGES (1899-1986) http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigclick.cgi/www.rediff.com/signat... http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigimpress.cgi/www.rediff.com/signature-home.htm/1963059423@Middle5?OAS_query=null&PARTNER=3
participants (1)
Dimple Patel