Date: 30 Mar 2004 13:29:55 -0000
From: Drbalabhim Shankarappa Biradar
Postponement of 4th ASSIST National Seminar
As a part of Kuvempu Birth Centenary Celebration and the Decennial year
Celebration of the Department of Library and Information Science, the
Department and ASSIST was planned to organise two-day National Seminar on
"Digital Resources and Services in Libraries" during 12th-13th April 2004.
But the general election for Assembly and Parliament in Karnataka is
Schedule to be held in two phases i.e. on 20th and 26th April 2004 and
most of the Librarians and Library and Information Science teachers are
drawn for election duty. Election Commission is holding training on 12th
�13th April 2004 for the staff who are drawn for election duty and
therefore, it has become inconvenient to most of the interested
participants to participate in the seminar. In this context Organising
Committee meeting was held on 28-03-2004 and unanimously decided to
postpone the seminar to 30th April and 1st May 2004 in the interest of the
participants. We request all the participants to note this change in date
of the 4th ASSIST National Seminar and without fail kindly arrange to
participate in the seminar rescheduled to be held on 30th April 2004 and
1st May 2004 instead of 12th-13th April 2004. For more information we
request you to contact Dr.B.S.Biradar, Organising Secretary, 4th ASSIST
National Seminar.
Organising Secretary,
4th ASSIST National Seminar.