Inaguration of Mysore University Library Conference
Dear Professionals, NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES FOR ALL: REACHING THE UNREACHED IN THE DIGITAL ERA. 11-12 FEBRUARY 2016 Organised By Mysore University Library and Karnataka State SC/ST Library Professionals' Association Inaugural Function Prof.M.R.Doreswamy Chancellor PES University, Bengaluru will inaugurate Dr.Satish Kumar Hosamani Director, Dept. of Public Libraries, Govt. of Karnataka, Bengaluru will release the conference volume Prof. T.D.Kemparaju Registrar Mangalore University will deliver the key-note address Prof. K.S. Rangappa Vice-Chancellor University of Mysore will preside All the LIS professionals are solicited to attend the programme. Date: 11th February 2016 Time: 10.30 AM Venue: Rani Bahadur Auditorium, University of Mysore,Manasagangotri, Mysuru - 570006 Further details Contact: Dr. C.P. Ramasesh Organising Secretary Mysore University Library, Mysuru - 570006 & Dr. Ganapathi Z. Shinde President Karnataka State SC/ST Library Professionals' Association Regards, Dr. Chandrashekara M. Professor & Chairman Department of Library and Information Science University of Mysore, Manasagangtori Mysuru - 570 006 Off. Ph: (0821) 2419398 / 9448600970
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chandrashekara m