Dear Library professional,
I would like to get your opinion on the followings :
1. Should we do Stock Verification in presence of any outsider or a
dedicated person from any other department(not from Library)? If so, from
Starting stock verification to reporting the result he/she has to be
present or not?
2. Books purchased for the book banking system are also tobe included in
the Accession Register or we can have a parallel register for Book Bank?
3. Is it not permitted to do white inking for any mistake made in the
Accession Register. If we do white inking - Should we have to have a
separate account about the reason?
4. If we are not able to purchase the books in accordance with the
allocated budget. Should we have to maintain any cause register or not?
5. Are you taking any budget allocation letter from your higher authority?
Your kind response is highly expected at the earliest.
*Regards **……*
* Dr. Pradip Das*
*Ph. D., MBA (HR), M. Phil, M. L. I. Sc., B. L. I. Sc., B. Sc.
*MIT Art, Design and Technology University,*
*Raj Baug, Next to Hadapsar,*
*Loni-Kalbhor, Maharashtra – 412201. *
*Phone : +91-20-30693604, Cell : 9420836138*
*E-mail :pradipbhadreswardas@gmail.com
participants (1)
Dr. Pradip Das