Google to Allow Free Downloads of Books
Dear Professionals, Google Inc. plans to begin letting consumers download and print free of charge classic novels and many other, more obscure books that are in the public domain. For detail you can log on to any of the following URLs.;1143909694;fp;2;fpid;1 Thanks & Regards, Farooque Shaheen, Caritor India Pvt Ltd Tel. 080-26678388 Ext. 4105 VOIP- 40366 Dear Professionals, � � � � � � � � � � � � �Google Inc. �plans to begin letting consumers download and print free of charge classic novels and many other, more obscure books that are in the public domain. For detail you can log on to any of the following URLs.;1143909694;fp;2;fpid;1 Thanks & Regards, Farooque Shaheen, Caritor India Pvt Ltd Tel. 080-26678388 Ext. 4105 VOIP- 40366
participants (1)
Farooque Shaheen