Dear Moderator: Kindly arrange to announce the following invitation for the benefit of LIS-FORUM members. Sincerely, K.N. Prasad, SRELS ********* Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science (SRELS), Bangalore in association with Informatics (India) Ltd., Bangalore and Ranganathan Centre for Information Studies, Chennai & Bangalore cordially invites you to the Dr. S.R. Ranganathan Memorial Lectures (16) (2011) on PEOPLE, CULTURE, AND 21 CENTURY LIBRARIES by Dr. Gary Marchionini Dean and Cary C. Boshamer Professor, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA on 17 , 18 , and 19 February 2011, at 6.00 pm each day at SRELS, 702, 'Upstairs', 42 Cross, III Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560 010 Mr. N.V. Sathyanarayana Chairman & Managing Director, Informatics (India) Ltd., Bangalore Inaugurates Tea: 5.30 pm RSVP:1. K.N. Prasad-Ph: (080) 23305109 E-mail: srels@dataone.in ********* Abstracts Day 1. The transformation of Libraries as Institutions: Physical-Digital Hybrids Electronic technologies have brought great changes to information work, including libraries Library automation: classification, organizations, catalogs (e.g., MARC, OCLC, ISI) Online searching, virtual reference Databases and IR techniques Digital libraries Technology Drivers Digitization Indexing, Metadata Network transfer, interoperability Preservation Human Drivers New skills, roles, adoptions Culture Drivers Economies of scale and action Intellectual Property Cooperation, Policies Hybrid Libraries Shared collections Local special collections lnteroperations High tech vs high touch decisions Day 2. Humans as information Creators, Collectors, Consumers, and Communicators Human Memory and Institutional History Creation, capture, and reuse revolutions in the information life cycle Capture: cameras, recorders, sensors, scanners Editors, mixers and mashups Personal Collections Physical Digital Information Consumption Learning: effectiveness, retention Working: flow, efficiency Entertaining: engagement, enjoyment Communication Social networks Participatory Libraries: Institutional + Personal Libraries Day 3. Libraries of People and their State Changes: Saturday Computational Agents and Social Media Agents as Assistants, Surrogates, Observers, and Adversaries Social media: individuals, groups, culture blur Proflection Theory Projections of Self: Exoinformation Purposeful Unconscious Reflections of Self Human Machine Participatory Libraries of Proflections of Personal Identity Libraries as Reflections of Cyberspace Culture Gary Marchionini, Brief Bio Gary Marchionini is the Dean and Cary C. Boshamer Professor in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He teaches courses in humaninformation interaction, interface design and testing, and digital libraries. He heads the Interaction Design Laboratory at SILS. His Ph.D. is from Wayne State University in mathematics education with an emphasis on educational computing. He has published over 200 articles, chapters and reports in a variety of books and journals. He is author of a book titled Information Seeking in Electronic Environments published by Cambridge University Press and a forthcoming book titled Information Concepts: From books to Personal Identities in Cybespace. Professor Marchionini has had grants or research awards from the National Science Foundation, Council on Library Resources, the National Library of Medicine, the Library of Congress, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Kellogg Foundation, and NASA, The National Cancer Institute, Microsoft, Google, and IBM among others. Professor Marchionini was Editorin- Chief for the ACM Transaction on Information Systems (2002- 2008) and is the editor for the Morgan-Claypool Lecture Series on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services. He has been program chair forACM SIGIR (2005) and ACM/IEEE JCDL (2002) as well as general chair ofACMDL96 and JCDL2006. He serves or has served on a dozen editorial boards and is the 2010 president of the American Society of Information Science and Technology. His current interests and projects are related to: interfaces that support information seeking and information retrieval; usability of personal health records; alternative representations for electronic documents; multimedia browsing strategies; digital libraries; and evaluation of interactive media, especially for learning and teaching. He currently has a 3-year grant from NSF on established a search results framework that supports searches over multiple sessions and in collaboration. He also has a one-year grant from NSF to investigate the viability of Second Life as an environment for promoting digital preservation. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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