Call for Papers for 2nd National Conference of Society for Promotion of Libraries (SPL), Uttar Pradesh on Libraries Towards Digital Paradigm [NCLTDP-2014]

2nd National Conference of Society for Promotion of Libraries (SPL), Uttar Pradesh on Libraries Towards Digital Paradigm [NCLTDP-2014] organized by Department of Library and Information Science, C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur in collaboration with Society for Library Professionals (SLP), New Delhi, Central Library, CSJM University, Kanpur & University Placement Cell, CSJM University, Kanpur on Saturday-Sunday,19-20 April 2014 at University Auditorium CSJM University, Kanpur(India)-208024. The purpose of the conference is to have exchange ideas of Modern Libraries by hot topics which are puzzling the LIS community both in application and academia. The tidal wave of ICT has already started compelling Libraries and Information Centres to analyze new trends and work out strategies so as to play a vital role in the newly emerging global knowledge society. It has not only brought a change in the library and information services, but also on the roles of librarians and information professionals. Some of the challenges that the information professionals are required to strategically address include digital divide, knowledge society, Mobile Technology, Content Creation Management Emerging Technologies in Libraries and Information Services, Problems and Solutions of Libraries and LIS Professionals and User Expectation, Experience in Modern Library System etc. They have to stay relevant in increasingly fluid and dynamic knowledge Society by incorporating strategic foresight to explore new markets, products and services and ultimately meet emerging customer needs. This conference will provide the road map for building the global knowledge society. Call for Papers: The NCLTDP-2014 organizing committee invites scholarly papers on the topics mentioned in conference notice available at at . A review panel will review the papers based on originality of the work, quality and relevance to the main topic of the conference. The papers should be organized so as to accommodate abstract, introduction, objective, methodology, results obtained and references. Peer reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the Conference proceedings. Full Paper (not more than 2000 words) carrying the abstract, Title, Name (s), Affiliations, E-mail address, necessary references should be submitted by 10thApril 2014 to Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh "Organizing Secretary, Department of Library and Informaion Science, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kalyanpur, Kanpur, U.P., 208024 " Authors are encouraged to send the electronic version at email address: Acceptance of paper will be notified on 12thApril, 2014 through email. All the accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings. All the participants are requested to send the Registration form duly filled along with the requisite fee applicable latest by 12thApril,2014. IMPORTANT DATES: are given bellow:- Submission of Full paper April 10, 2014 Notifications of Acceptance April 12, 2014 Last date of Registration April 12, 2014 (On the spot Reg. available if possible) Conference Date April 19-20, 2014 Details is available at: Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh "Organizing Secretary, Department of Library and Informaion Science, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kalyanpur, Kanpur, U.P., 208024 Mob:09839045238 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Shriram Pandey