A survey on SWAYAM ((Study Webs of Active-learning for Young Aspiring Minds)
Dear all
I have prepared this questionnaire (link provided below) to conduct a
survey on SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active-learning for Young Aspiring Minds).
The more response and filled in questionnaire I receive better will be the
survey. So your kind response is desired at the earliest. Hope you will
manage 5 mins time for filling this form. I would be very thankful if you
respond to my request.
*Thanking You*
*With Best Regards*
*LibrarianDr. B.R. Ambedkar College, Betai P.O. Betai, Dist - Nadia We*
*st Bengal- 741163, IndiaWebsite: http://brambedkarcollegebetai.in/index
http://brambedkarcollegebetai.in/index**EMAIL: j.nayek@gmail.com
participants (1)
Jayanta Nayek