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Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 23:10:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar
-----Original Message-----
From: An informal open list set up by UKSG - Connecting the Information Community� On Behalf Of Lotte Jorgensen
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 6:26 PM
Subject: DOAJ reaches new milestones
March 12th 2013
DOAJ reaches new milestones:
We have just completed the transition to a new environment and launched a
new platform with integrated functionality for sharing, exporting and
enhanced search/browse functionality: at the article level, search results
can be filtered by language and publication year� and by license and
publication fee; at the journal level, you can filter by subject, by
country, by license and by publication fees. These facets will be
developed further in the months to come. (Read more about our enhancements
on our home page: www.doaj.org http://www.doaj.org.) We are also very
proud to announce that the DOAJ has reached two important milestones:
1. For the first time since launch in 2003, more than 50% of the
� � journals are providing metadata at article level.We will continue to
� � work with the 2000+ publishers to increase this figure.
2. More than 1 million articles are now searchable in DOAJ which means
� � more than 1 million article-level metadata entriesare available for
� � harvesting!We expect this figure to increase significantly in the
� � months to come.
We continue to work with key stakeholders to agree on and implement new, tighter criteria for the inclusion of journals in the DOAJ: critieria that will address issues of quality and openness, as well as other kinds of information about the journals.
We are very excited about these developments and we are grateful for the continued support from the community. We always need more support so we can continue to provide a better service, so please consider
For more information, please contact Lars Bj�rnshauge
mailto:lars@doaj.orgor Dom Mitchell mailto:dom@doaj.org The Directory
of Open Access Journals is provided by IS4OA http://www.is4oa.orgin
cooperation with SemperTool http://www.sempertool.dk.
On behalf of the DOAj-team,
Lotte Jorgensen
Managing Editor