National Workshop on LIS research

Diamond Jubilee Year, Gauhati University *National Workshop on Trends in Library and Information Science Research* 7th - 9th May, 2008 As part of the Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the Gauhati University, Assam , the Department of Library and Information Science is organizing a three days National Workshop on "Trends in Library and Information Science Research" during 7th - 9th May, 2008. Working librarians, researchers and other prospective researchers representing especially different Social Science organizations from NE India are eligible to participate. The aims and objectives of the workshop are to analyse the trend of research in LIS and to identify the thrust areas of studies for future. Moreover, the workshop will train researchers for quality output of research works. Main Theme: "*Trends in Library and Information Science Research*" Sub-Themes *Trends in LIS Research in India; Research and Library Development; Research Methodology in Library and Information Science; Literature Search in an online environment; Standard Citation Style for preparing References and Bibliographies; Statistical Methods in LIS research; Documenting a Research Work; and others* Intake Capacity: The intake capacity is Twenty five (25). Registration: Interested LIS professionals are suggested to apply in the prescribed form attached. The filled in form is to reach us on or before *25th April, 2008*. Application may be submitted through email also either to or Selected candidates will be informed immediately through Email or by post (if, no Email address is available). Participants are entitled to get working launch and tea during sessions. Registration Fees: The Registration fee is Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred) only. Selected candidates on hearing from the Workshop Co-ordinator are to deposit the amount in the form of DD to be drawn in favour of Director, ICSSR Payable at New Delhi latest by 7th May (ie at the Registration Desk). Workshop Dates: May 7-9, 2008 (Monday - Wednesday). Accommodation: Participants are to arrange accommodation of their own. However, Organizing Committee will help them in getting accommodation in reasonable price either in university Guest House or in other Guest Houses. For further details please contact Dr. Narendra Lahkar Workshop Director Prof. & Head, DLISc, GU Mobile: 098640-53349 Email: or Dr. Rajani Kanta Barman Co-Ordinator Reader, DLISc, GU Mobile: 094353-08676 Email: . N.B: Application format can be obtained online on requst . send ur request to, or -- Apurba Jyoti Majumder, JRF Department of Library & Information Science Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014 Ph: 0-94352-68733 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Apurba Jyoti Majumder