OCLC/ALISE Library & Information Science Research Grant Program (LISRGP)
OCLC/ALISE Library & Information Science Research Grant Program (LISRGP) 2005 Call for proposals OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Incorporated and OCLC Research, in collaboration with the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), announce the Library and Information Science Research Grant (LISRG) program for 2005 and invite research proposals. Program description In recognition of the importance of research to the advancement of librarianship and information science, OCLC and ALISE promote independent research that helps librarians integrate new technologies into areas of traditional competence and contributes to a better understanding of the library environment. Project funding The LISRG program provides grant awards of up to $15,000. Monies may be applied to the following costs: * Release time from teaching for the principal investigator * Research assistants * Project-related travel * Equipment, if integral to the research * Other research expenses Staff training, general operating or overhead expenses, and other indirect costs are not funded. Guarantees of cost sharing are not required, although institutional support of projects is anticipated. All costs must be clearly defined in the budget portion of the proposal. Capital equipment cost should be prorated if the useful life of the equipment extends beyond the end of the project. Project duration LISRG program-supported projects are expected to be conducted within approximately one year from the date of the award. Projects should be planned to begin in January 2005. Publication of findings As a condition of the grant, researchers must furnish OCLC a final project report promptly following the completion of the project. OCLC and ALISE may elect to publish and distribute all or portions of the report without restriction. Researchers must include, or cause to be included, recognition of the OCLC/ALISE LISRG grant in all publications of research results of the LISRG project. The results of the research must be nonproprietary and in the public domain. Eligibility Full-time academic faculty, or equivalent, in schools of library and information science are eligible to apply. OCLC and ALISE encourage international proposals and collaborative projects under this program. Proposals must be signed by the principal investigator, by the dean/director (or equivalent) of the school, and by an authorized official of the university. Proposal review procedures Proposals are evaluated by a panel selected by OCLC and ALISE. Occasionally, proposals may be distributed to additional expert reviewers selected by OCLC and ALISE who may advise the panel. The panel's recommendations are forwarded to the vice president of OCLC Research, for final review and funding decisions. The decisions of the vice president of OCLC Research are final. Reviewers consider the following criteria, among others, when evaluating proposals: 1. Does the proposal meet the formal criteria as laid out in the Call for Proposals? Proposals not meeting formal criteria will not be further evaluated and will not be funded. This includes length of proposal, presence of requested signatures, eligibility of requesting institution, presence of budget, and description of role of all investigators. 2. Is the project clearly described, the problem well defined, and the research objectives clearly stated? 3. Is there sufficient review of literature? 4. Is the proposed methodology appropriate and are the investigative procedures clearly explained? 5. What is the significance of the proposed research to either the library and information science community as a whole or to OCLC specifically? 6. Are sufficient resources available? Do the people proposing the research appear capable of conducting the research? Is institutional commitment to support the project apparent? To aid new researchers, priority will be given, when possible, to proposals from junior faculty and applicants who have not previously received LISRG funds. When a decision to award a grant has been made, a research project monitor is assigned by OCLC Research. The research project monitor serves as the point of contact for the LISRG recipient during the duration of the project. Application procedures To apply, complete and submit the following: 1. OCLC/ http://www.oclc.org/research/grants/lisrgp_proposal.pdf ALISE LISRG proposal cover page (PDF:25K/1pp.). The principal investigator, dean/director (or equivalent) of the school, and an authorized official of the university must sign the proposal cover page. 2. A double-spaced research proposal. Submit one original and six copies, each stapled in the upper left-hand corner. The proposal should: * Describe the nature, scope, and method of the proposed research * Explain why the research is innovative through reference to related research reported in the literature * Propose the anticipated significance of the research to library and information science * Identify methods that will be used to measure the success of the project * Suggest future research based on the anticipated results of the project * Briefly note dissemination plans 3. Detailed budget that clearly identifies the funding requested and identifies institutional cost sharing. Equipment and travel requests must be explicitly justified. 4. Additional supporting materials such as curricula vitae of project staff, bibliography, project schedule, letters of support. The role and contribution of all investigators should be clearly specified. Applicants should take care that proposals are complete and, including cover page, budget, and supporting materials described above, do not exceed 20 pages. Submit one original and six copies of the complete proposal. Send applications or inquiries to: OCLC/ALISE LISRG Program OCLC Research OCLC Online Computer Library Center 6565 Frantz Road Dublin, OH 43017-3395 USA (614) 764-6000, ext. 6487 Application deadline Applications must be postmarked no later than September 15, 2004, and will be acknowledged upon receipt. Late applications will be returned without review. Grant recipients will be notified by the end of December 2004 and announced at the ALISE '05 National Conference, January 11-14, 2005 in Boston. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that has provided computer-based cataloging, reference, resource sharing and preservation services to 45,000 libraries in 84 countries and territories. http://www.alise.org/ ALISE is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote excellence in research, teaching, and service for library and information science education. Regards, Aman Jha Librarian Confederation of Indian Industry Plot No 249-F, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV Sector 18, Gurgaon 122015 (Haryana) Tel: 0124-5014060-67 • Fax: 0124-5014080 OCLC/ALISE Library & Information Science Research Grant Program (LISRGP) 2005 Call for proposals OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Incorporated and OCLC Research, in collaboration with the Association for Library and Information Science Education ( ALISE ), announce the Library and Information Science Research Grant ( LISRG ) program for 2005 and invite research proposals. Program description In recognition of the importance of research to the advancement of librarianship and information science, OCLC and ALISE promote independent research that helps librarians integrate new technologies into areas of traditional competence and contributes to a better understanding of the library environment. Project funding The LISRG program provides grant awards of up to $15,000. Monies may be applied to the following costs: Release time from teaching for the principal investigator Research assistants Project-related travel Equipment, if integral to the research Other research expenses Staff training, general operating or overhead expenses, and other indirect costs are not funded. Guarantees of cost sharing are not required, although institutional support of projects is anticipated. All costs must be clearly defined in the budget portion of the proposal. Capital equipment cost should be prorated if the useful life of the equipment extends beyond the end of the project. Project duration LISRG program-supported projects are expected to be conducted within approximately one year from the date of the award. Projects should be planned to begin in January 2005. Publication of findings As a condition of the grant, researchers must furnish OCLC a final project report promptly following the completion of the project. OCLC and ALISE may elect to publish and distribute all or portions of the report without restriction. Researchers must include, or cause to be included, recognition of the OCLC/ ALISE LISRG grant in all publications of research results of the LISRG project. The results of the research must be nonproprietary and in the public domain. Eligibility Full-time academic faculty, or equivalent, in schools of library and information science are eligible to apply. OCLC and ALISE encourage international proposals and collaborative projects under this program. Proposals must be signed by the principal investigator, by the dean/director (or equivalent) of the school, and by an authorized official of the university. Proposal review procedures Proposals are evaluated by a panel selected by OCLC and ALISE . Occasionally, proposals may be distributed to additional expert reviewers selected by OCLC and ALISE who may advise the panel. The panel's recommendations are forwarded to the vice president of OCLC Research, for final review and funding decisions. The decisions of the vice president of OCLC Research are final. Reviewers consider the following criteria, among others, when evaluating proposals: Does the proposal meet the formal criteria as laid out in the Call for Proposals? Proposals not meeting formal criteria will not be further evaluated and will not be funded. This includes length of proposal, presence of requested signatures, eligibility of requesting institution, presence of budget, and description of role of all investigators. Is the project clearly described, the problem well defined, and the research objectives clearly stated? Is there sufficient review of literature? Is the proposed methodology appropriate and are the investigative procedures clearly explained? What is the significance of the proposed research to either the library and information science community as a whole or to OCLC specifically? Are sufficient resources available? Do the people proposing the research appear capable of conducting the research? Is institutional commitment to support the project apparent? To aid new researchers, priority will be given, when possible, to proposals from junior faculty and applicants who have not previously received LISRG funds. When a decision to award a grant has been made, a research project monitor is assigned by OCLC Research. The research project monitor serves as the point of contact for the LISRG recipient during the duration of the project. Application procedures To apply, complete and submit the following: http://www.oclc.org/research/grants/lisrgp_proposal.pdf OCLC/ ALISE LISRG proposal cover page (PDF:25K/1pp.) . The principal investigator, dean/director (or equivalent) of the school, and an authorized official of the university must sign the proposal cover page. A double-spaced research proposal. Submit one original and six copies, each stapled in the upper left-hand corner. The proposal should: Describe the nature, scope, and method of the proposed research Explain why the research is innovative through reference to related research reported in the literature Propose the anticipated significance of the research to library and information science Identify methods that will be used to measure the success of the project Suggest future research based on the anticipated results of the project Briefly note dissemination plans Detailed budget that clearly identifies the funding requested and identifies institutional cost sharing. Equipment and travel requests must be explicitly justified. Additional supporting materials such as curricula vitae of project staff, bibliography, project schedule, letters of support. The role and contribution of all investigators should be clearly specified. Applicants should take care that proposals are complete and, including cover page, budget, and supporting materials described above, do not exceed 20 pages. Submit one original and six copies of the complete proposal. Send applications or inquiries to: OCLC/ ALISE LISRG Program OCLC Research OCLC Online Computer Library Center 6565 Frantz Road Dublin, OH 43017-3395 USA (614) 764-6000, ext. 6487 Application deadline Applications must be postmarked no later than September 15, 2004, and will be acknowledged upon receipt. Late applications will be returned without review. Grant recipients will be notified by the end of December 2004 and announced at the ALISE '05 National Conference, January 11-14, 2005 in Boston. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that has provided computer-based cataloging, reference, resource sharing and preservation services to 45,000 libraries in 84 countries and territories. http://www.alise.org/ ALISE is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote excellence in research, teaching, and service for library and information science education. Regards, Aman Jha Librarian Confederation of Indian Industry Plot No 249-F, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV Sector 18, Gurgaon 122015 (Haryana) Tel: 0124-5014060-67 • Fax: 0124-5014080
participants (1)
Aman Jha