Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 07:35:08 +0530
From: Subbiah Arunachalam
Brazilian scientists in 180 institutions get FREE ACCESS to more than
10,000 journals and 16 databases. That has helped Brazil do better in
science. Please read the news item appended below and download the full
article as well. Every developing country should find a way to provide
such access to a very large number of journals and databases to its
scientists and research students.
In many developing countries people talk endlessly about digital libraries
but in Brazil there was some action.
[Subbiah Arunachalam]
CAPES Journal Portal and the growth of Brazilian science The
Brazilian scientific research growth by 19% in 2005, and by
about 50% in the past five, was celebrated by the President of
CAPES, Jorge Guimar�es, in a collective interview given in the
SBPC annual meeting. Measured by the number of publications
indexed in the Thomsom-ISI database, the Brazilian scientific
production in 2005 represented 1.8% of the world production
and ranks 17th in the list of countries. Access to scientific
information is one of the main lines of action promoted by
CAPES to support the development of graduate courses and
scientific research in Brazil. The CAPES Journal Portal has
been in continuous operation since its launching in 2000; it
provides, to over 180 academic institutions, free access to
more than 10 thousand titles of scientific journals and to a
selection of 16 major international referential databases.
Roughly 5.5 million articles were downloaded in the first 5
months in 2006. The crucial role played by the portal to
promote democratic access to scientific information is
publicly acknowledged by the UNIFESP and BIREME read the full