Free Access to All India Index to English Books in Print (AIIEBIP)
Dear All: Heres an announcement from NISC of potential interest to LIS practitioners and teachers: NISC is pleased to offer free access to All India Index to English Books in Print (AIIEBIP) for the entire month of July 2003. You can access the database at: AIIEBIP includes the entire contents of Indian Books in Print (ed. by Sher Singh. Indian Bibligraphies Bureau, New Delhi) plus several thousands of new entries. It is available in two formats: CD-ROM and Internet-/Web-based. AIIEBIP is powered by NISCs inhouse-developed ROMWright software, acclaimed globally as one of the finest bibliographic and textual information search-and-retrieval softwares. We request all LIS practitioners and teachers to kindly explore AIIEBIP database and let us have your valuable feedback regarding its coverage and search features. Contact person: Anu K. Dürr, Director, AIIEBIP. Email: T.V. Prafulla Chandra Senior Editor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NISC Export Services Pvt. Ltd. (an affiliate of NISC International, Inc. USA) S-1 Ballad Estates, St.Ann's School Road, Tarnaka, Hyderabad 500 017 Andhra Pradesh, India - Tel:+91 40 27001517 Tel/Fax:+91 40 27002538 WWW.NISC.COM A company in service to NISC worldwide. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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