Sir/ madam, KIndly circulate this matter among the computer/ library professionals for wrting articles. -- Manimekalai *Dear Library / Computer Professionals,* We request you to kindly contribute research papers in the subheadings mentioned below for the book we are going to edit on “*Information Extraction and Management in the Digital Era”* *with ISBN Number*. The work should be of the original research work and not a copy of any other published matter or down loaded from the Internet. The language style and the grammatical matter should thoroughly be checked. The reference style should be followed as below mentioned APA model. If the paper is not up to the mark it will be rejected. The papers should be typed in Times new Roman with 12 point 1.5 spaces for A4 sheet. The title and the authors detail should be very clear along with contact number and email address. *1. **Information processing and Retrieval* *2. **e-Collection development * *3. **Information /Knowledge Management* *4. **Designing a Digital Library * *5. **Web Technologies* Kindly submit a hard copy and a softcopy on or before sep. 20th, 2013 to the Chief Editor, With due regards Dr. A. Manimekalai, Chief Editor Asst. Librarian ( Sr. Sc) & Head, Faculty of Engg. & Tech. Library Annamalai University email: *REFERENCE MODEL* ** *BOOKS* *EXAMPLE CITATIONS* Webb, C. D. (1992). *A theoretical basis for Pig Latin semiotics*. New Haven, CT: Bayside. Brandow, A. E., & Wenceler, S. (1987). *Breaking the language barrier: Our experiences teaching Pig Latin to South American aboriginal peoples*. Kalohe, HI: Kahoolawe University Press. Larrison, L., Curliman, P. D., & Moer, J. Q. (1965/1978). *Pig Latin pedagogy: Vol. 6. Language teachers' resource*. Nottingham, England: Association of British Language Teachers. * * *JOURNAL ARTICLES* *EXAMPLE CITATIONS* Almeida, L. (1990). Morphological differences between American and Brazilian Pig Latin constructions. *Piggiotica, 13*, 946-987. Cruise, T., & Kidman, N. (1995). Divergent Pig Latin formation in egocentric dyslexic males: One possible explanation. *Pig Latin neurolinguistics, 9*, 125-180. Chomsky, N., Halle, M., & Harris, Z. (1960). Toward a generative model of Pig Latin syntax. *Pigology: Current issues in Pig Latin research, 26* (2), 247-289. * * *CHAPTERS IN EDITED BOOKS* ------------------------------ *EXAMPLE CITATIONS* Sallei, L. T. (1995). A dynamic model of inter-generational Pig Language transmission. In R. K. Jambalaya, *Creole studies* (pp. 571-576). Amsterdam: Updyke. Bryson, B., & Winkler, I. R. (1992). What does "oo-day" really mean?. In J. Paul, *Current research on semantic competence in creolized Pig Latin* (3rd ed., pp. 96-107). Lick Fork, VA: Fourchette University Press. Lennon, J., McCartney, P., & Harrison, G. Q. (1965/1978). Popular music and Pig Latin: Uhv-lay ee-may oo-day. In R. Starr, *The musical Pig Latin classroom* (Rev. ed., pp. 40-97). Liverpool, England: Organization of Pig Latin Musicians. *INTERNET DOCUMENTS* ** *EXAMPLE CITATIONS* Bacon, H. P. (n.d.). The pig pen: Frequently asked questions about Pig Latin [WWW page]. URL Ontoast, N. (1996). Communication games for the public school Pig Latin classroom. *E-Journal of PL Studies* [On-line serial], *16*. Available E-mail: Message: get EJPLS -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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