Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 06:10:47 +0100 (BST)
From: monawwer eqbal
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to inform you that a biannual journal � Vidhigya: The
Journal of Legal Awareness� is being published by Integrated School of
Law, Ghaziabad.
The journal welcomes and encourages original research based papers,
articles, legal expressions, legal perceptions, global views, views and
comments on various legal issues, book reviews and case laws. The
journal covers almost all the subjects relating to the study of law.
The journal invites original and unpublished contributions. The editor
reserves the right to edit and publish all contributions. Submission of
paper indicates that it has been neither copyrighted, published nor
submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere.
Written material sent by post/ e-mail should include writer�s full name,
complete postal address, phone no. and fax no.
The editor also invites suggestions for achieving excellence for law
journal. If you have any suggestions, views and comments, which would
help us to improve the various areas of law, please write at once to the
Looking forward for your contributions.
Integrated School of Law (ISL)
Delhi � papur Bypass, NH-24,
Ghaziabad 201009 (UP) INDIA
Tel: 2768951-52, 2800118 Fax: 91-1202800418
Mob. 09968060560
Guidelines for Authors:
Guidelines for Contributors
A general guideline for contributor is
listed below, which should be strictly adhered to.
Manuscripts should be sent along with the authorization letter in favor
of the Editor-in-Chief that it may be published after necessary editing
and the copyright shall remain with the Editor-in-Chief, Management
should also accompany a brief Resume of the author on separate sheet.
Manuscripts should normally be of around 10,000 words (to an extent of
20 to 40 A-4 size pages, typed double space) Manuscripts should be
submitted in triplicate with the cover page bearing only the title of
the paper and author�s names, designation, official address, phone/fax
number and e-mail address.
Abstracts, All the Manuscripts should include an abstracts of about 100
to 200 words. NO abstracts are required for review essays or case study
Footnotes. All footnotes should be indicated by serial numbers in the
text and literature cited should be detailed under Notes at the end of
the chapter bearing corresponding number.
Tables and Figures. Table should approximate the appearnce of printed
tables and preferably submitted in a floopy disk. Table/figures should
be placed at the end of the text, after footnotes, appendices and
references. Tables should contain a source and units of measurements.
Their location in the text should be indicated as follows:
Table 1.1 about here
Reference, Place the reference at the end of the manuscript following
the footnotes. The list should mention only those sources actually
cited in the text or notes. Author name should be same as in the
original source. For more than one publication by the same author, list
them in chronological order, with the older item first. For more than
one publication in one year by the same author, use small lower case)
letters to distinguish them (e.g. 1980a, 1980b) Following are some
Chakarborty, S.K. (1987) Managerial Effectiveness and Quality of
Worklife: Indian Insights New Delhi Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Ph.D Thesis
Singh, Ajay Kumar (1995) �Acoounting for Human Resources: Acquisition,
Development and Retention� Ph.D thesis, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Chakarborty, S.K.(Oct 1983 )� The Giving Model and Corporate Excellence:
A field Report� Decision, pp 219-224, Monikutty, S (1997) �Telecom Services in Urban and Corporate Segments: A Consumer Presective� Vakalpa, Vol 22, No. 3, pp 15-28
No stops after abbreviations (UK, USA, MBBS, MBA etc.) Use stops after
initials (B.S.Bedi)
Use double quotes throughtout . The use of signal quotes to be
restricted for use within double quotes e.g. �In the words of
Churchill, �Any one can suggest you whren you are right; friends are
there to support you when you are wrong�� Quotation in excess of 50
words should be separated from the text with a line space above and
below and indented on the left. Quotes should be cited accurately from
the original source, should not be edited, and should give the page
numbers of the original publication.
Capitalization should be kept the minimum and should be consistent
An author will receive 10 off prints and a complementary copy of the
issue in which his/her paper appears. Book reviews must provide the
following details, and in this order: Name of author/title of book
reviewed/place of publication/ publisher/year of publication/number of
pages, in Roman and Arabic figures to include preliminary pages and
price, with binding specifications such as paperback or hardbound For
Aftab Alam Sales and Distribution Management, Wisdom publications,
Delhi, 2005