Dear Friends, Department of Library and Information Science, Kannur University call for research papers for an edited book with ISBN entitled as FUTURE OF LIBRARIES: Innovation, Adaptation and Impact. This volume is aimed to explore the evolving role of libraries in the digital age and the technological changes that are on road to libraries and information systems and services. The rapid pace of technological advancements has significantly transformed the way the librariesaccess, process, and manage information as well as howusersaccess, consumeand use it. Libraries, once primarily physical spaces, are now adapting to meet the multifarious needs of the diverse user communities. We invite submissions that delve into the following themes: a) Emerging technologies and Library services — How can libraries leverage technologies such as AI, VR, block chain, etc. to enhance their services? b) Digital libraries and information access — What strategies can libraries adopt to become digital and ensure information access to all? c) Community engagement and social impact — How can libraries serve as catalysts for social change and contribute to the well-being of their users? d) Changing dimensions of LIS manpower development and management: Is it Deskilling, reskilling or upskilling? e) Management of space in libraries: Effective use of technological developments- Is it physically grow or shrink? f) Funding and Sustainable development — What are the challenges and opportunities for libraries in securing sustainable funding for continuous development? g) Collaboration and partnerships in libraries — How can libraries collaborate and share their physical space, collection, and services to meet the needs of future generations? Related themes: Big data Cloud computing Data carpentry Data curation Data science Digital curation Digital humanities Drones and robotics IoT Mobile based library services Ontology Open Library RFID Sentiment analysis Virtual reference service The Department welcome research papers from scholars, librarians, information professionals and other interested individuals in LIS. The paper should be original and unpublished and within the scope of the book mentioned above. The abstract should be below 500 words, full text with 3000-4000 words. It should be typed in Times New Roman (Tile — 16, heading 14, text 12 points). The references should be as per APA 7thedn. All accepted papers (after plagiarism checking)will be considered for publication in the edited book with ISBN. Important dates: Abstract submission: 10 October 2024 Full paper submission: 10 December 2024 Notification of Acceptance: 10 January 2025 Release of the Edited book with ISBN: 20 March 2025 Please submit your abstract and full paper to: hodlibrary@kannuruniv.ac.in Find the official invitation here, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rA8zNl5XRwddRZelt113rmWgkGYvTEJY/view?usp=s... -- *Vimal Kumar V., PhD* Reference Assistant Mahatma Gandhi University Library Kottayam, Kerala-686560 ------------------------------------------ My Home page:www.vimalkumar.info My Blogs:linuxhalwa.blogspot.com kohageek.blogspot.com moovandan.blogspot.com ----------------------------------------------------------- *"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." Alvin Toffler*
participants (1)
Vimal Kumar V.