Prof. Nick Moore, Chairman, Acumen Ltd., United Kingdom , the Keynote Speaker at the recently concluded Infovision 2005 event, addressed the faculty, researchers and students of the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore on September 19, 2005 at 11.30 am. Prof. Moore �s lecture on Policy framework for information societies was well attended. This special lecture was organized by Mysore University Library and Information Science Students Association (MULISSA). Summary of the lecture: ICTs have influenced the society and the economy of nations. Information is the major resource of today�s society. People have more access to information than ever before. This has resulted in the creation of a more informed society. Information in tandem with ICTs has induced economic, social, cultural and political changes. The speaker gave a few examples to demonstrate the changes that have occurred. A policy framework would guide these changes in the direction which is more profitable to the human kind. However, the challenge for policies is of two folds: one to maximize the opportunities and the second one is to minimize the dangers. There have been various attempts to develop suitable policies by the developed countries. Unlike previous revolutions, the information revolution needs to be guided consciously with in the framework of comprehensive and globally acceptable information policies. As these changes need to guided and planned and not let it happen, an information policy becomes cirtical. The speaker outlined the need and challenges involved in meeting the various goals in creating the framework for the policy. The goals are: * Creating robust infrastructure:- The policy should address the issues of robustness, the breadth and depth of penetration of the information infrastructure * Competitive information sector:- Developing a competitive information sector is another goal of the policy. * Information-intensive organisations:- Encouraging the organization to become more and more information intensive is an important issue to be covered by the policy. * Social use of information:- Making the society information savvy by encouraging the society to identify, collect, and use information that they want for their personal as well as professional life. * Legal and regulatory framework:- If above goals have to be effective, the information policy must also look in to the legal and regulatory frame work. Such frame work needs to be comprehensive as well as globally applicable character. * Skilled workforce:- The speaker opined that there is dire need for skilled personnel who can manage the information effectively for the benefit of the society. The policy framework should look into the proper availability of skilled personnel. Addressing the students the speaker outlined the following competencies required of information workforce for the future. ** Creators: Preparing, packaging and producing the intellectual content produced by authors suitable for display, distribution and consumption. ** Collectors: Individuals, agencies and organizations involved in aggregating and collecting information materials. ** Communicators: People and agencies involved in the process of interaction with consumers of information. ** Consolidators: Individuals and agencies involved in the analyses and consolidation of information for the end users. Prof. Moore was of the opinion that that there is going to be a great demand for the above four processes and hence human resources with the requisite skills in the information society. He called upon the students to concentrate on improving their skills in the above areas. Prof. Moore concluded his lecture by identifying the following - clarity of vision; co-ordinated policy and action: and commitment by the government, as the critical success factor in framing an information policy for the information societies. -- N.S.Harinarayana Ph.D Department of Library and Information Science University of Mysore Manasagangotri, Mysore 570 006 Ph: 2419393
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N.S. Harinarayana