Workshop at NCSI on library automation packages and digital library software
WORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT NCSI-IDRC Workshop on Library Automation Packages and Digital Library Software: July 27th to 31st and August 3rd to 7th, 2009 ( ) Two workshops of one week duration each on Library Automation Packages (LAP) and its integration with Digital Library Software is organised at National Centre for Science Information (NCSI), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore from July 27th to 31st and August 3rd to 7th. Topics covered include installation, Staff-Client and OPAC modules of a few LAP and its integration with Digital Library Software on Linux (Ubuntu) platform. The workshop is organised as part of a project on ILAP carried out at NCSI, funded by The International Development Research Centre (IDRC), a Crown Corporation and an agency of the Government of Canada. One of the objectives of the project is to test the available technological tools for the development of union catalogue and to train manpower to implement union catalogue at their respective institutions/libraries. To fulfill this objective a series of workshop is organised. First workshop was organised from 5th to 9th January, 2009 and this is second and third workshop in the series. For registration and more details access the workshop page at: Workshop coordinator: Dr.Anuradha.K.T. E-mail: Technical Officer Gr III National Centre for Science Information Indian Institute of Science FAX:(+91-80) 23601426/23600683 Karnataka, Bangalore 560 012 Tel:(+91-80) 23600271/22932511 India ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
K.T Anuradha