Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 07:55:06 +0100 (BST)
From: "[iso-8859-1] Ramamoorthi P"
Dear LIS- Professionals,
I am working as Library Assisistant in Society for Applied Microwave
Electronics Engineering and Research (SAMEER) An Autonomous R&D
organization, Ministry of Communication &Information Technology. GOVT. OF
Our organization is not accepting Library professionals as Technical
Support or Scientific Staff. They will be treated, as �Isolated Post�
there is no guidelines, procedure for assessment and Scale fixation for
library Staff.
An autonomous organization (govt of India) under what category library
Professionals are coming? Are there any rules and guidelines for them?.
Anybody working in the similar organizations may please share your views.
Thanking you
With regards
SAMEER - Centre for Electromagnetics
CIT Campus,
IInd Cross RoadTaramani,
Chennai - 600 113Phone : 044-22541817,22541583
Fax 044-22541938Residence Phone No. 22591974