Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 23:55:24 +0530
From: "Koteswara Rao , M"
Dear Colleagues,
I too feel that Lis-Forum should not advocate/promote the free distribution of
articles in PDF format among libraries. We should remember that copying and
distribution of printed/electronic matter is based on 'fair use' policy and is
meant for educational & research purposes only. If every library starts
distributing such material to other than their own 'library members', it is
definetely going to raise objections from the publishers. Also, it is not fair on
our part to indulge in indiscriminate distribution of copyrighted material in the
process of serving our user community. I hope the moderator should sense the
'inherent danger' and take necessary steps to curtail this.
Koteswara Rao