Dear Sir / Madam Sub.: Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India (AALDI) – Official Journal “Indian Journal of Agricultural Library and Information Services” – Volume 34 Issue No.2 – Articles invited for publication – Regarding. *** Greetings. As you are aware that the Volume 34 Issue No.1 of our *Indian Journal of Agricultural Library and Information Services” (**IJALIS**) ISSN: 0974-8776* has already been published and now we are in the process of publishing Issue No.2 The Editorial Board is inviting articles for publication in the journal. Therefore, you are requested contribute an article for the ensuing issue. I also request you to give wide publicity for the journal and motivate your LIS professionals to contribute article for the journal. The article should be on any topic related to library and information science, knowledge management and related areas. The article should be sent as a Word Document file to the Chief Editor to grspathy@gmail.com *Last Date for receipt of articles is 15.12.2018.* I request your kind cooperation in this regard. With Best Regards, -- Thanking you, Yours sincerely, Dr.G. Rathinasabapathy, Ph.D., Chief Editor, IJALIS & University Librarian Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chennai - 600 051, Tamilnadu, INDIA Tel.: (Dir. ) 91-44-2555 1588 (Res) 91-44-25611619 Mob.: 098400 17397 email: librarian@tanuvas.org.in ORCID: 0000-0002-9146-8279 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.