Dear Professionals I am happy to announce the publication of a book of contributions titled, /'Remembering B.S. Kesavan: The Man and His Mission'/ to commemorate the birth centenary year of Padma Shri B.S. Kesavan, India's first National Librarian. The book has contributions from eminent library and information professionals such as Prof. K.S. Deshpande, Prof. A. Neelameghan, Mr. A.K. Dasgupta, Prof. B. Guha and others. The contributions portray the history of the National Library and Mr. Kesavan's contributions to its development. How history shaped his efforts and indeed how he shaped the history of librarianship and libraries during his tenure both as National Librarian and later as Director of the erstwhile INSDOC. This alone will make the book interesting and educational as well. Mr. Kesavan's qualities of head and heart and his leadership qualities are also spoken of by the contributors - his former colleagues, students and admirers. The limited edition of this book published by the Kesavan Inst. of Information and Knowledge Management (KIIKM) is available for sale to interested individuals/libraries/librarians at a cost of Rs. 540.00 (inclusive of courier charges). A 10% discount is offered to li braries. Those interested may send me a mail and a cheque payable at par or DD for Rs. 540.00 less discount if applicable made out to Kesavan Inst. of Information and Knowledge Management and sent to me at my Mysore address given below. This cost is to recover at least partly the costs of publishing the book entirely funded by KIIKM. L J Haravu Trustee Kesavan Inst. of Information and Knowledge Management Flat No. 207, Hiland Park; 6th Main, 6th Cross V V Mohalla Mysore 570002 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.