Request the moderator to release the information for library professionals

Dear Professionals,
Greetings from DMCRC Library,
It is immense pleasure to inform that, Library and Information Centre of Dnyanprassarak Mandal’s College and Research Centre in collaboration with the Directorate of Higher Education, Govt. of Goa is organizing a National Conference on “ Envisioning the Future: AI Tools for Libraries ” on 20th & 21st February 2025.
Kindly register and share this message with your professional friends, students and colleagues.
Registration Link:
For more information:
Dr. Jayaprakash, Organising Secretary / Librarian, Dnyanprassarak Mandal’s College and Research Centre, Assagao, Bardez, Goa. Ph: 9421150019
Dr. Umesh Gawas, Joint Organising Secretary, Dnyanprassarak Mandal’s College and Research Centre, Assagao, Bardez, Goa.
We appreciate your positive support and participation in this insightful and knowledge-gaining event.Request Re
Thank you,

Dr. M M Bachalapur
Chief Librarian 
BLDEA'S Dr.P.G.Halakatti College of Engineering and Technology
Ashram Road,
Mob: 9740016911
ORCID ID:0000-0003-2402-2477