Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 12:35:25 +0530
From: Rajeev K R
10th annual lectures of Informatics held on yesterday at Leea Palace,
Bangalore was very informative. On behalf of Library professionals, I would
like to thank all Informatics team members to organise such an interesting &
informative lecture.
Mr. Mick Bass - HP Labs, the man behind Dspace delivered a 2 hr intresting
lecture on Dspace architecture and other details. He pointed that there are
only few organisations in the world which have started to explore the full
features of Dspace. In India, there is only one fully productive site and it
is at DRTC, ISI. The digital library site (on Dspace) at DRTC
( is specifically designed for
dessiminating the Library/Information resources. So you may upload your
papers/articles at DRTC digial library to make it available to the whole
library community.
With Warm Regards
Rajeev K R
Library & Information Center
Sasken Communication Technologies Limited
139/25, Ring Road, Domlur
Bangalore - 560071 India
Tel: + 91 80 25355501 Extn: 2021
Fax: + 91 80 25351133