Friends: Subject: Special Section in Current Science on 50 years of Citation Indexing Current Science dated 10th November 2005 has come out (saw it on the web about an hour back) and contains a Special Section on "50 Years of Citation Indexing". You can see it on the web at http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/nov102005/contents.htm It contains ten articles on various aspects of citation indexing, its origins, present status, WOS and its competitiors and a colour advertisement on WOS. The articles are interesting not only to know the developments of WOS, Garfield's views on various issues pertaining to indexing and his seminal papers published in 1955 in "Science". Arun, who put together this special section, has contributed a short introduction ("In this issue"). Please spread the word. Happy reading. With best wishes A Ratnakar New Delhi