Dear LIS Professionals, Greetings from Department of Library and Information Science, Annamalai University, The Department of Library and Information Science, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu is going to organize a two days National Workshop (Under UGC SAP) onApplication of Qualitative Indicators for the excellence of scholarly communication on 8th and 9th March 2013. Date: 8th and 9th March 2013 (Friday and Saturday) The Workshop aims at the evaluation of scholarly research performance, and focuses on the contribution of scholarly work to the advancement of scholarly knowledge. It provides a wide range of important facts, and corrects a number of common misunderstandings about science indicators. It introduces basic notions and distinctions, and deals both with theoretical and technical aspects, and with its applicability in various policy contexts. In order to be used properly as a research evaluation tool, it is essential that all participants have insight into the nature of citation analysis, how its indicators are constructed and calculated, what the various theoretical positions state about what they measure, and what are their potentialities and limitations, particularly in relation to peer review. It is hoped that this workshop will provide such insight. Sub themes of the workshop * Impact Factor * H-index * Success Index * G-Index * Activity Index * Ranking of institutions * Ranking of individual scientists by citation factor * ICT based evaluation tools, etc. Who should attend? This workshop expects wide participation by Faculty, Scientists, Professionals of Library, Research Scholars and Students. Registration fee (includes workshop Kit, resource material, participation certificate, working lunch and refreshment) · For Faculty I Librarian & Others - Rs. 500/- · For Research Scholars (full-time basis) & students - Rs.300/- (Demand Draft may be drawn in favour of the Registrar, AnnamalaiUniversitypayable at Annamalainagar/ Chidambaram in State Bank of India / Indian Bank ICICI Bank Ltd. Cheque will not be accepted) Accommodation: The participants have to make their own arrangements. However, limited accommodation is available in our University Guest House / Hostel on extra-payment. We would help to the participants arrange accommodation at nominal charges on first-come first-serve by twin sharing basis. Contact for Registration / Enquiry WorkshopCoordinator Dr. M. Nagarajan Professor and Head Dept. of Library & Information Science Annamalai University Annamalainagar - 608 002 Mobile : 9443497604 E-mail : au_nagarajan@yahoo.co.in Thanks & Regards, Santosh A.NavalurResearc Scholar Dept. of LISc BDU, Trichy -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.