Provide a platform and enable interaction
among DL experts and researchers
Facilitate creation adoption, implementation
and utilization of DL‘s, and their future implications
Bridging the digital divide through
knowledge sharing
Information professionals
IT and knowledge service providers
Policy makers
Academicians, students and distance
E-publishers and virtual communities
Other stakeholders
Call for papers
Original papers focusing on the theme of the conference—Digital Libraries: Shaping the Information Paradigm are invited for the conference poster and tutorial. Some of the topics are listed below:
DL development, architecture, and management
Contents management in DL
Multi-linguality and interoperability
Digital rights management
Digital preservation and access management
Semantic web
KM (knowledge management) and organizational
E-learning and e-publishing
DL standards and policy
Open archives initiatives
ODOL (Open, distance and online learning)
Multimedia content
Virtual support to distance learners
E-resources management for distance
Access management
m-learning technology
· Open
Educational resources
For details of paper submission
guidelines and submission process, visit <www.teriin.org/events/icdl
Important dates
Submission of full papers 15
September 2009
Notification of acceptance of paper
with comments 30 October 2009
Submission of the final paper after
incorporating comments 30 November 2009
For Early–bird registration
offer please visit http://www.teriin.org/events/icdl/registration.php
Organizing Secretary
ICDL Secretariat
TERI, Darbari Seth Block,
IHC Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi – 110 003, India
Telephone 24682138, 24682100, 41504900
Fax 24682144, 24682145
E-mail icdl@teri.res.in
Web www.teriin.org/events/icdl
India +91 • Delhi (0)11