Friends: Here is another Third Worlder urging us all to set up interoperable institutional open access archives! Arun Van de Sompel on the future of repositories Herbert Van de Sompel, Challenges ahead, a slide presentation at Kos, Greece, April 18, 2005. On the future of digital repositories, especially when we recognize their many uses and many kinds of content, facilitate access to their full contents (not just metadata), ensure a clean machine interface for downstream applications, and build a global network of interoperable repositories. F riends: Here is another Third Worlder urging us all to set up interoperable institutional open access archives! Arun Van de Sompel on the future of repositories [A] Herbert Van de Sompel, http://public.lanl.gov/herbertv/presentations/olybris_keynote_2005.pdf Challenges ahead , a slide presentation at Kos, Greece, April 18, 2005. On the future of digital repositories, especially when we recognize their many uses and many kinds of content, facilitate access to their full contents (not just metadata), ensure a clean machine interface for downstream applications, and build a global network of interoperable repositories.