Dear sir/Madam, The eminent historian of India Romila Thapar has explained the improvements of library facilities in Indian schools and She also mentioned the need of library consortia in India.It is great that such scholar has rise the need of library consortia in India., which is very important to provide information to large masses with cost effectiveness. For further information: See the THE Hindu " Insight " 26th Dec 2004. Vaantha Raju N E-mail: gooche_19812yahoo.co.in. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. Dear sir/Madam, The eminent historian of India Romila Thapar has explained the improvements of library facilities in Indian schools and She also mentioned the need of library consortia in India.It is great that such scholar has rise the need of library consortia in India., which is very important to provide information to large masses with cost effectiveness. For further information: See the THE Hindu " Insight " 26th Dec 2004. Vaantha Raju N E-mail: gooche_19812yahoo.co.in. http://in.rd.yahoo.com/specials/mailtg/*http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrim... Yahoo! India Matrimony : Find your life partner http://in.rd.yahoo.com/specials/mailtg2/*http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matri... online .