Dear Friends
Soft AID Computers Pvt Ltd launched RFID product
suits library and information centre can be integrated to any Library
automation software which includes EAS gate with full suite for security and
The cost of the RFID compare to the overseas products is around 20%.
may contact kumard@softaid.co.in
With regards
With regards
Dr.H.S.Siddamallaiah, Ph.D.,
Principal Library and Information Officer,
NIMHANS-Deemed University
----- Original Message -----
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Today's Topics:
1. Website security (T.V. Prafulla Chandra) 2. Seminars on Usage Promotion of e-Information Resources - 2nd announcement (Mailing List Manager) 3. cd servers or equivalent technology (K A. Sardesai) 4. RFID implementation (Rafiq) 5. DLIS, BHU - USEFI - National Conference on Community Information Service: Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries (Aditya Tripathi) 6. Further learning for Library Professionals - info required (Parinita Samant) 7. LIS-Forum Digest (Lata Suresh)
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 11:20:59 +0530 From: "T.V. Prafulla Chandra"
Subject: [LIS-Forum] Website security To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in, iatlis@yahoogroups.com, nmlis@yahoogroups.com, corporatelibrarians@yahoogroups.com Message-ID: <4371DB9B.28880.8CAB5A@localhost> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Dear All,
I would like to know the best practices for making a website secure. I wish to have the options 'display' and 'print' but not 'save' or 'download' for my web pages. To put it in simple terms, I do not wish the user to download and save the electronic files relating to my website.
Thank you in advance for your help.
T.V. Prafulla Chandra --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NISC Export Services Pvt. Ltd. (an affiliate of NISC International, Inc. USA) S-1 Ballad Estates, St.Ann's School Road, Tarnaka, Hyderabad 500 017 Andhra Pradesh, India - Tel:+91 40 27001517 Tel/Fax:+91 40 27002538 WWW.NISC.COM A company in service to NISC worldwide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Message: 2 Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 12:06:45 +0530 (IST) From: Mailing List Manager
Subject: [LIS-Forum] Seminars on Usage Promotion of e-Information Resources - 2nd announcement To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in Message-ID: Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 17:33:11 +0530 From: mouna
Seminars on Usage Promotion of e-Information Resources
E-Information Resources have become an integral part of the libraries and their user community. The major concern faced today by the LIS
and decision makers is the optimal usage of these e-Information resources. To discuss the issues related to User Awareness and Training for usage promotion, Informatics alongwith Springer, Taylor & Francis, Annual Reviews and IEE Inspec is organizing seminars in different parts of the country.
Cochin November 11,2005 Pune November 14,2005 Bhubaneswar November 16,2005 Chandigarh November 18,2005
The Program Structure:
Keynote on Seminar Topic
Panel Debates on issues related to the topic focusing on the following areas:
1.Level & Type of User education & training for different e-resources
*Resource specific training? *Institution specific training programs *Group & Consortia targeted training programs
2.Training Manpower
*Who should be providing the training? *Library/Institution Staff *Vendor *Joint initiative of both?
3.Training Infrastructure, Course Material Development, Costs & Budgets
4.Internal Marketing for Usage Promotion *Training Vs Awareness (Promotion)
5.Usage Models & Analysis *COUNTER - Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources
6.Information Needs & Usage Levels *Do our users feel the need for information and its quick access/availability on a scale comparable to developed world? *Impact of education and research culture/quality on usage promotion.
You are invited to register online (www.informindia.co.in) and submit your questions for the Panel Debate.
For more details you can also write to us at events@informindia.co.in or contact:
Amit Verma Product Marketing Manager Informatics (India) Limited 337, Karuna Complex, 3rd Floor, Sampige Road, Malleswaram Bangalore 560003, India Phone: 91 80 23365940 Mobile: 91 98459 41610 www.informindia.co.in
Message: 3 Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 12:19:44 +0530 From: "K A. Sardesai"
Subject: [LIS-Forum] cd servers or equivalent technology To: "kshema prakash" Cc: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in Message-ID: <087CE79625DA8C4B9DF7A90825D0D8385751E2@bkcmummail.rbi.org.in> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Dear kshema prakash,
I the undersigned is using CD Server for our intranet display of Cds and it is a best service .I think you may also call these people as per your requirements and conditions and if found suitable just go for it .
Tulsient Information Systems Pvt Ltd,Timmy Arcade, Makwana Road, Marol,Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 059
Tel No 2851 5955 Fax 2851 8363; sanjays@tulsient.com; www.tuisient.com
Regards and best wishes
Message: 4 Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 12:29:36 +0530 From: "Rafiq"
Subject: [LIS-Forum] RFID implementation To: Message-ID: <003a01c5e5c4$4fc66540$c9d6640a@Times92> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Dear Modi,
The percolation of RFID technology in libraries in India is spreading, and thus far not less than 8-10 libraries are using it. Prominent among them include NCL, Pune; IISc, Bangalore, Bank of Baroda, Mumbai; University of Jammu, Jammu; Poona University, Pune; etc. You will certainly gain immense benefits, though at a whooping cost, by implementing RFID in your library. Your circulation would be faster, materials would be safe and secure, and your services will enhance and so on and so forth. For vendors, you may please contact EDUTECH and LIBSYS Corporation, who are at the forefront in providing such solutions.
Rafiq L. Ansari Sr. Manager - Library & Operations The Times Group, Television Division The Times of India Building, 4th Floor Dr. D.N. Road, Fort Mumbai - 400 001 Email: rafiq.ansari@timesgroup.com Tel: 56354516 Mobile: 9820667271
|Message: 3 |Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 01:39:20 -0800 (PST) |From: Yogesh Modi
|Subject: [LIS-Forum] Implementation of RFID in Library............ |To: List Forum |Message-ID: <20051108093920.52429.qmail@web30503.mail.mud.yahoo.com> |Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 | |Dear Professionals, | |I would like to know if any one of you are |implemented/practicing RFID for circulation in your |libraries. |I would like to implement RFID in our Library. | |with regards, | |Yogesh Modi | | |============================ |YOGESH MODI, STA 'B' |TIRC, SSPL |Ministry of Defence, DRDO |Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi - 54 |Phone 91-11-23960640 (Off.) |====================== ------------------------------
Message: 5 Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 13:01:39 +0530 From: Aditya Tripathi
Subject: [LIS-Forum] DLIS, BHU - USEFI - National Conference on Community Information Service: Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in, dlrg@drtc.isibang.ac.in Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" ******Call for Paper******* National Conference On Community Information Service: Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries 2nd - 4th March, 2006
Organized by Deptt. of Library and Information Science Banaras Hindu University Varanasi- 221 005
United States Educational Foundation in India (USEFI) New Delhi
The initiation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) particularly in the third world countries has widened the gap of social classes. This gap exists due to unequal accessibility to ICT tools among the people of society. It is difficult to boast about a Global Information Society without creating equal opportunities for all.
ICTs are the computing and communications facilities that support teaching, learning and a range of activities in education and public life. It has driven global information society towards information revolution. A remarkable role is being played in learning, sharing and transferring of information.
In such revolutionary change of environment libraries have metamorphosed itself to hi-tech online learning centres. Libraries can evolve as hub for hosting Community Information Services related to,
* Public Administration * Urban and Rural Development * Education * Health Care * Environment * Agriculture
Department of Library and Information Science is hosting National Conference on Community Information Service: Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries, 2nd - 4th March, 2006.
Papers are invited in the following areas for deliberation,
Strategies with regard to - economic issues - organizational issues - policy issues - social issues
Implementation experiences regarding - user communities - user studies - regional collaboration
Community Networks - architecture - concepts and models - development and implementation of tools - integration and interoperability
Management - access control - content development - security and privacy - service models
Application areas and concerns - digital repositories - digital preservation - knowledge management - e-learning - e-science - e-commerce - e-governance - health care - HAM Radio
Target Participants Social Scientists, practicing Library and Information Science
professionals professionals,
faculty, researchers, students, information service systems personnel and managers.
Call for Papers Full texts of paper(s) in English (in A4 size, double space, not more than 10 pages) should be sent to Dr. Aditya Tripathi, Conference Coordinator, Deptt. of Library and Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221 005. adityatripathi@hotmail.com aditya@bhu.ac.in
Last date for submission of full texts of paper(s) is 10.02.2006.
Registration Rs. 2000/- per participant The DD / Cash payable in favour of "National Conference on Community Information Service: Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries, Deptt. of Library & Information Science, B.H.U", payable at Varanasi.
The Registration Fee Includes * Conference Kit (Conference volume) * Working Lunch / Tea
Accommodation Limited accommodation is available on payment basis on first come first basis.
Conference Director Prof. H. N. PRASAD Head Deptt. of Library and Information Science Banaras Hindu University Varanasi- 221 005 Tel: +91 542 2307140 (Off.) +91 9415336709 (Mob.) e-mail: hnprasad_bhu@rediffmail.com
Conference Coordinator Dr. ADITYA TRIPATHI Lecturer Deptt. of Library and Information Science Banaras Hindu University Varanasi- 221 005 Tel: +91 542 2307140 (Off.) +91 9450710628 (Mob.) e-mail: adityatripathi@hotmail.com aditya@bhu.ac.in
1. Name
2. Designation
3. Organization
4. Address (Correspondence)
5. Accommodation Required Yes/No
6. Telephone Number Office : Residence: Mobile : e-mail :
7. Payment Details DD/Cash DD No. : Bank : Branch : Amount : Date :
For details mail to: Conference Coordinator, National Conference on Community Information Service: Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries Department of Library and Information Science Banaras Hindu University Varanasi- 221 005 Tel: +91 542 2307140 (Off) -- Dr. Aditya Tripathi Lecturer Department of Library & Information Science Banaras Hindu University Varanasi-221005 Ph: +91 9450710628 ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Contribute to DRTC LIS Open Digital Library https://drtc.isibang.ac.in 2. Join today Digital Library Discussion Forum http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/dlrg