Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 17:16:31 +0530
From: Vasumathi Sriganesh
The theme sounds excellent, and I hope it becomes a turning point in
the profession.
Couple of inputs from me: (I hope I can come up with better ideas as I
1. Should Working Librarians from different spheres be compulsorily
used as external faculty in L & IS courses.(Benefits for students as
well as academic faculty to be discussed)
2. Norms and Objectives for students to do Internship / Summer or
vacation training / Post qualification training (If some good & very
practical norms and objectives are drawn up, then students should get
some high quality training, and the libraries in which they train,
should get some defined results).
Vasumathi Sriganesh
Director, QMed Services Pvt. Ltd.
A-3, Shubham Centre, Cardinal Gracious Road
Chakala, Andheri East, Mumbai 400099, India
Ph: 91-22-28229223 Fax: 91-22-28224358
Email:, Web:
----- Original Message -----
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 17:08:13 +0100 (BST)
From: "[iso-8859-1] Prof. N. Laxman Rao."
dear friends
the IATLIS organises annual conference every year/ this year we are
planning to organise the said conference during oct / nov 2004 at
we would like to suggest the following theme
partnership between the LIS teachers and the librarians in
development. this is not exactly the theme, it will touch the theme.
would like to frame it acccordingly.
I will appreciate all the friends to suggest how the topic is and
otherwise please suggeest the topics to me i will apprciatel the
professional friends, who will be able to suggest the theme and
for the success of the conf thanks laxman rao
Dept.of Library & Information Science,
Osmania University, HYDERABAD- 500 007 (INDIA)
President, Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information
Science (IATLIS).
Ph:+91-40-27171565 (res): +91-40- 27682290 (off) 9246547599 (Mobile)
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