8 Jun
8 Jun
6:34 a.m.
Date: 07 Jun 2006 From: "Eldho Joy" eldhoj@gmail.com Subject: Digital Archiving Dear ffriends I would like to know how we go about archiving the e-resources we subscribe to. Is there any specific software available for this purpose?. Please let me know. Librarian LBS Institute of Technology Trivandrum-12 Kerala. Date: 07 Jun 2006 From: "Eldho Joy" mailto:eldhoj@gmail.com eldhoj@gmail.com Subject: Digital Archiving Dear ffriends I would like to know how we go about archiving the e-resources we subscribe to. Is there any specific software available for this purpose?. Please let me know. Librarian LBS Institute of Technology Trivandrum-12 Kerala.